Huybers Utopia - Nellie and Ladybug Due early to mid april

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I see white legs and a blaze
CUTE! congratulations Amanda and terri and Ladybug!

My Green cheeked conure ( bird) just saw his first foaling LOL

Lovely markings amanda, welcome to the world little one!

perfect timing for all of us hey Diane

I'm going out to feed my poor starving pony kids now.

COLT! congratulations Amanda!
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I think they're fooling with us. I don't see a foal either. Just a very nice bubble and momma up and getting ready to lay down and get the job done!

Two pretty white feet!
Congratulations on your beautiful colt! She painted him very pretty!
Well, the cam is moving along just fine -- she's giving a pull and there is the white blaze face you're talking about. A VERY nice baby!!!
An overo baby with tobiano thrown in!! What a cutie. Now I have to go back and check out daddy for that overo gene!
Many congratulations Amanda on your gorgeous (big) boy!! And well done Ladybug - you really had us a little concerned after all your antics yesterday and today!

Cant wait to see the pictures.
Yeah!! Ive been watching her so much, and what a beautiful boy, Iespecially love the big white blaze on his face, VERY HANDSOME. I had only been back in the house about 5 mins from having the boys outside playing today and caught her just in time!! Congradulations!!
he's up standing and looks like he is learning to drink
what a cute little guy! he looks tall! lol can't wait to see proper pics of him he looks gorggeous! and Ladybug is doing such a good job, letting him drink! good girl LB

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