OK, Hypothetically here......Just suppose someone
had the wild and crazy idea to try to get a Shetland/mini cross mare. Nice enough to be a show/broodmare, but gentle with kids...... what do you suppose that someone
would need to expect price wise and where would be some recommended farms for hunting.....supposing that someone
wanted to do a little window shopping
Now assuming that this someone found something nice...anyone here want to adopt an older someone who would soon be divorced
Don't know why but I think this someone has gotten bitten by the Shetland fever bug and is trying hard to behave, but it may not be working LOL.

Now assuming that this someone found something nice...anyone here want to adopt an older someone who would soon be divorced

Don't know why but I think this someone has gotten bitten by the Shetland fever bug and is trying hard to behave, but it may not be working LOL.