Well-Known Member
Ridgehavens Cocoa the sire of my two champagnes was tested positive for silver so I went ahead and tested both of mine too.
Both my Chanel and Dobby have been tested positive for silver.
Now I know why their mane and tale where always so sunbleaced looking they had silver working in it too!
So Chanel is a classic champagne silver pinto.
She was already tested homozygous black.
And Dobby is a classic champagne cream silver, so 3 dilutions in one horse! :new_shocked:
Dobby was already tested positive for cream and heterozygous black with no agouti.
Also my new tovero mare Dance was tested positive for LWO and also homozygous black, she is obvious silver, so didn´t need to test for that.
I have 4 american mini´s and now al 4 are silvers!
Luckely I like silver, but secretly hope that Dance gives me a nice non-silver foal, or else I will have nothing but silvers in a few years, that might get boring! :bgrin
She is due in 3 weeks. :saludando:
Both my Chanel and Dobby have been tested positive for silver.
Now I know why their mane and tale where always so sunbleaced looking they had silver working in it too!
So Chanel is a classic champagne silver pinto.
She was already tested homozygous black.

And Dobby is a classic champagne cream silver, so 3 dilutions in one horse! :new_shocked:
Dobby was already tested positive for cream and heterozygous black with no agouti.

Also my new tovero mare Dance was tested positive for LWO and also homozygous black, she is obvious silver, so didn´t need to test for that.

I have 4 american mini´s and now al 4 are silvers!
Luckely I like silver, but secretly hope that Dance gives me a nice non-silver foal, or else I will have nothing but silvers in a few years, that might get boring! :bgrin
She is due in 3 weeks. :saludando: