I am SO ANGRY at my vet

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I am sorry for your loss, but I have learned not to leave our pets at the vets if at all possible, we found out with our beloved King after hit by a car years ago, that if we had of left him there which the vet wanted would be left alone all night and maybe checked in only once after supper, until someone came in the next morning. At least he was not alone and on a cold cement.

We insisted on seeing where they where putting him and with tears in our eyes said NO WAY we are bringing him home and taking our chances. The Vet did not believe he would make it through the night. Which he did not.

Vets should be more caring and tell the truth when leaving your beloved animals in their care.

I had one vet one time take my dog home with her over the weekend and not even charge us extra.

Unfortunate do not find these kind of Vets anymore, just a Job to most....

Again sorry for your loss...
: I sure would be asking questions. Which I believe at this time is hard and not going to bring Katie back. I hope those 9 puppies are doing OK with another bitch raising them.

I sure would not be paying the bill........ :new_shocked:

Thinking of you and those precious 9 puppies...
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Sorry to hear Katie is gone. I'm curious to know what her blood work showed. My first thought when you described her condition was calcium deficiency--that seems to affect dogs so quickly. That's a shame the vet treated you so unprofessionally.
Also would like to mention we had a collie bitch with pups at 4 weeks old taken away and 6 orphan pups at 4 days old raise a second litter. The 4 day old puppies mom was hit by a car, and we drove an hour to bring them here. Lady had 7 pups she was raising. They did alot better on her than with just us.

Bring the bitch in with the pups, keep pups on a heating pad and put cheeze whiz or peanut butter on their butts, and also get High Cal to give to pups from the vet. Hope everything works out, email if you would like more help? reble@wightman.ca

Bless your heart
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I am so very sorry for your loss. Of course she was not just a dog she was your companion and friend I understand that to most of use our dogs are our best friends. I am just very very sorry
I'd have to go myself to pick her up, and hope the office was full of people, then ask for my dog 'ya know, the one that you let die then wouldnt take my calls for over a day' grrrrrr

I am SO , so very sorry you are dealing with this. Do make sure when you file a complaint with the Vet board, that you clearly state how often you called and got no response, then had a friend call and voila, an answer. Sometimes I hate caller ID. This Vet needs to be avoided. Sorry woman she is for avoiding your calls. Seems to me she thought she had reason to avoid you.

Hugs hon.
:no: I'm sooooo sorry for the heck you've gone through and for the loss of your dog and not even knowing she was gone for soooooo many hours after the fact. The fact that your vet gave this personal info to another person and NOT you is most likely a violation. I found this information for you. You HAVE to file a complaint about this vet. Be sure to get written testimony from your friends who have been in contact with the vet, also. The State website is down, but I was able to get this information:

Complaints Against Veterinarians:

If you have a complaint against a licensee, you must call the Board office and request an "Official Complaint Form".

Persons wishing to file a complaint against a licensed veterinarian may do so by completing the form furnished by the Board. The complaint should contain detailed information (names, dates, etc.) on what events occurred that appeared to involve unethical or unprofessional conduct by a veterinarian; a copy of the patient's medical record should be submitted with the complaint.

The owner of the animal must file the complaint - the Board cannot accept a complaint filed by a second party.

A complaint must be filed within one year from the time the incident occurred until the time the complaint is filed.

After the complaint is received in the Board office, the veterinarian is required to respond in writing and instructed to forward all pertinent medical documents for the Board's review.

Upon receipt of the veterinarian's answer, the matter is placed on the agenda of the next meeting of the Board and the members are sent all the information pertaining to the case. The Board members read and study the information so they can have informed discussions at the meeting and make the necessary decisions on the cases before them at that time.

After the meeting, the complainant is notified in writing of the Board's decision in the case.

Location AR Veterinary Board

P.O. Box 8505

Little Rock, AR 72215



Good luck with those precious little ones. What a great hubby you have
Oh no :~( My heart is crying for you right now. I'm so upset for you that that vet was so cruel to not even call to tell you on her own about your Katie Bug. That was just down right mean! I thought veterinarians did their jobs out of their love for animals. If I didn't know any better, it sounds like she just didn't want to be bothered with possibly having to go to the clinic and meet you there and help you. OHHHHHH!!!!!! It just makes me SOOOOO MAD!!!!! How fortunate you are to have an adoptive mother dog.

I am so sorry. {{{{HUGS}}}}

Complaints Against Veterinarians:

If you have a complaint against a licensee, you must call the Board office and request an "Official Complaint Form".

Persons wishing to file a complaint against a licensed veterinarian may do so by completing the form furnished by the Board. The complaint should contain detailed information (names, dates, etc.) on what events occurred that appeared to involve unethical or unprofessional conduct by a veterinarian; a copy of the patient's medical record should be submitted with the complaint.

The owner of the animal must file the complaint - the Board cannot accept a complaint filed by a second party.

A complaint must be filed within one year from the time the incident occurred until the time the complaint is filed.

After the complaint is received in the Board office, the veterinarian is required to respond in writing and instructed to forward all pertinent medical documents for the Board's review.

Upon receipt of the veterinarian's answer, the matter is placed on the agenda of the next meeting of the Board and the members are sent all the information pertaining to the case. The Board members read and study the information so they can have informed discussions at the meeting and make the necessary decisions on the cases before them at that time.

After the meeting, the complainant is notified in writing of the Board's decision in the case.

Location AR Veterinary Board

P.O. Box 8505

Little Rock, AR 72215



Good luck with those precious little ones. What a great hubby you have

Thank you so very much for this information. I really do appreciate it.

I'm just... I am just exhausted. It has been a nightmare since the first minute I found Katie in her condition. I know many of you are going to be upset with me... but I was sitting there in total disbelief at what Donnie came out of the vets office telling me.... I am so ashamed of myself.... she charged me

$195. 95 ... she already had 100. deposit and I had the other 100. that was supposed to pay on my husbands truck payment. I was shocked and so mad I felt like throwing up. I mechanically handed him the 100 and just sat there doing my best to keep myself from going in and raising trouble that would end up costing me more for bail. I can't beliebe it.

Top it off....she said she GUESSES it was a massive infection.... her words are "I dont know if it's her milk, if it was her puppies, or what it was... but it must have been an infection". :new_shocked:

NO WAY. It wasn't. She had no fever, no nothing. She was healthy, eating, drinking, pooping, peeing, and being just her normal happy self. She wasn't sick. She said her major organs tested to be in really good shape. Her bloodwork came back clean.

I would bet my house that she just IV'd the dog at 10:30 that night and went home to let her get some fluids. Figured if she made it through the night she'd test her on her morning rounds. I doubt she tested her for anything. I can't help it. I don't trust her and I just feel like throwing up all over the place at what's gone on. It's wrong... it's just wrong.

I have ran all over God's creation today trying to find a goat. My windshield of my truck got hit by a rock from a gravel truck this morning and it hit the vet edge of the drivers side and by the time we made it to town it had split 15" across the windshield right in the drivers view. I called insurance...thank goodness they're going to replace it with no deductable. They've hired a company to come to my husbands workplace and right there in the parking lot they're take out the broken one, and replace it with a brand new one. Who knew?

Anyway... I slept about 45 minutes this morning and got the kids up and me and my husband fed the puppies. One doesn't really want to eat. He bought that Hartz puppy milk formula in the powdered form. When we got back to feed the blue merle still didn't want to eat.

My friend an hour away got me a milking goat and we're going to go over there and get the goat, she's going to start my puppies on antibiotics just to be safe, start them on the nanny milk, and give my other 10 pups their shots for me.

Donnie's taking the kids to his moms and we're taking Katie and the puppies over there and she's going to be buried next to her great-grandmother on the hill she was born on. I can't help it... and it's sickening... but I don't trust that vet. My friend worked in a vet's office for years and she knows what to look for. I'm going to have her open the bag they put Katie in and examine her to see what she thinks.

Some of my puppies are eating well... some are not. Thank you all so much for the advice and I really really do appreciate every bit of it and will use it to help raise up these babies. Please continue to send prayers and positive thoughts for the puppies. I just want to do right by them and take care of them the vet best I can and now I'm honestly a little nervous and scared to trust another vet.

Once I get a little rest and can get my head to think clearly I will be calling that number and requesting a complaint form from them and I will most certainly file a complaint. She may not have been able to save Katie, and I'm not angry with her for not being able to save her...sometimes it's just too late to save them.... I am very angry with her for not contacting me...for not leaving a message about Katie's condition when she called my friend's phone...for avoiding my calls all day and all night long.... that was very cruel.

I apologise if I forgot to answer a question, or if I am barely making sence. I've been rung through and through and I am exhausted and emotionally zapped right now.

I will update on the puppies soon.

Again, thank you all so very very much for the encouragement and kind words.... I am getting my babies ready to make the trip over to my friends house. I'm pretty sure she's going to keep some of them for me to help me raise them. She's done if for 15 years and I really trust her to help me and these babies.

You're doing the best you can........hang in there. Keep us posted on how the little ones are doing.

Personally, although the vet didn't deserve to be paid, it's probably good you did. That way she couldn't come back at you saying the reason why you filed a complaint was because you didn't want to pay.

Keep all your records. The lab report, blood work, etc........

In my opinion, the woman was negligent of care AND cruel to the owner!

Did the vet give you a receipt detailing what tests and what care Katie was given? Hang on to that and once you've settled down and gotten some rest, write everything down that happened over the weekend. Make note of the symptoms you observed in Katie. Keep your phone bills once they come in to detail the calls you made to the vet. Take pix of the puppies as they are right now. You can attach all of this to the complaint. I'm glad you're going to file the complaint. What this vet did was just so totally heartless!!!
: & good thoughts coming your way.

Do not back down on the complaint, I put in a complaint about Quest and they paid for all my Vet bills and autopsy. It had to be done within 12 hours.

Never brought my gelding back. But Wrong is just Wrong :new_shocked:
First, I am so sorry this has happened. Prayers to you and those little puppies. This vet disregarding your dog, your feelings and the fact that she had nine babies waiting on their mother to return. Calling like that, she knew you were calling and disregarded that. Also she knew the dog had puppies and she should have at least considered them and to notify you ASAP so you could make arrangements for nutrition for the pups. I'd definitely report her, and immediately, this is inexcusable. Might have been just a dog to others, but to you, me and most people on this board, they are family.

Sending you prayers from NC

So sorry for your loss of your friend and companion and sickened by the treatment you had from this so called vet, she should have her license revoked. Prayers and hugs coming your way, hoping that the pups are thriving.

:no: I'm so very sorry. Sorry that you lost your precious Katie and sorry that you had to be put through the traumatic experience of working with this totally unprofessional, unsympathetic, poor excuse for a vet. There is no good reason in the world that things should have happened like this. No one deserves this type of mistreatment.

Nothing can bring back Katie, but she lives on in her pups and your wonderful memories of her.
Firstly I am so, so, so incredibly sorry for you. My heart truly goes out to you and your pups and your family, I will be thinking of you.

I felt (and still feel) the need to vomit while reading your story and can't believe a vet would do this. I would DEFFINATELY file any and all complaints possible ASAP. This is absolutely DISGUSTING behavior and I would not at all go down without a fight. This vet is irresponsible, unprofessional and needs her license revoked.

Do Not take her word for what tests she did, bloodwork, etc., but ask for proof! If she can't produce any, then also add that to the complaint! Then, if at all possible, have Katie's body autopsied. You would know more about what happened to Katie, and it would give you more peace of mind. Some states do autopsies for free, others charge a minimal price, and others are expensive. If you could, please have this done. It could help you in the future if you plan to breed again.

A friend here, had a half grown goat she had raised from 10 days old. The goat is about 1/2 grown. One night at about 7 she was fine, running around, playing. The next morning the kid was dead, laying by the water tank, and was bloated terribly. She could not get her (our) vet to autopsy her, or anything. We will soon be changing vets. Just found a new one about 40 minutes away, and I like him after only a brief meeting. Met him at a rabies shots clinic.

Please go out and interview new veterinarians. Hopefully, this one won't be around much longer once you get your complaints in to the proper authorities!

My heart goes out to you and your family for your loss.
I know you've been through a lot already, but if you haven't buried the dog already, you might want to consider getting a necropsy (animal autopsy). They can tell you what the dog died of and it might help in filing a complaint or taking action against the vet for negligence.
i agree..a necropsy is called for to find out cause of death. I also thought of calcium deficiency as well.

I also think a complaint should be filed... she didn't REALLY try to contact you... she left a message through your friend but was not available to take your calls..ect..she might as well have left a message even if ti was bad news than to let you wait all that time!

Your best bet is to MAKE your own formula. goats milk is really the best but you can used canned milk, powdered milk ect (powdered is far cheaper and same thing really). I'd have to look u[p my recipee but my vets said it's really better than anything you c an buy. I THINK it was 2 egg yolks, 2 tbs of caro, 6 drops of baby poly-vit-al and two tbs of oil. I've raised 3 litters of puppies either partially or in whole using this and had excellent results. I'm afraid you will find it will indeed be hard to get pups to switch to bottle feeding after nursing. you kind of have to FORCE them. I've also found the puppy nipples you buy for bottles...DONT' WORK..lol i've had the best luck using human baby nipples! You also raise aussies so you'd probably be ok with a regular sized nipple but i've found with mini aussies or "runts" if you get premie sized they work best..and can also be used on the larger pups. Your pups are a week old now so your through the most critical part. you can add baby rice cerial to their milk formula to help fill them up some and you should be able to start getting them on puppy food mush in a week or so... it's disheartening and alot of work but mom got the first week out of the way..about one more to go!

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