[SIZE=12pt]don't know if this will help but i am feeding UNIMILK right now, it is made by Calf-Manna and is called Manna Pro. it is milk replacer for puppies and other animals also. it came from the farm store and is easy to use and not very expensive. you probably have heard of it but was just a thought, good luck with the pups, NikkiManna Pro: Milk Replacer Recall Not Linked to Melamine Contamination by: Erin Ryder, News EditorMay 07 2007 Article # 9543[/SIZE]
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The recall of a batch of milk replacer commonly used for foals is not related to the widespread pet food recalls, according to a report released by the company.
A batch of Unimilk milk replacer was withdrawn after customers reported that the formula turned light gray, rather than white, when mixed with water. Manufacturer Manna Pro worked with retailers to withdraw the affected lots.
"We have done extensive testing of the discolored Unimilk, and test results have not revealed any issues with this product beyond the color," the statement read. "It is worth noting that none of the ingredients of Chinese origin that have been implicated in the pet food recalls are used in our plants."
Lot codes for the affected batch are:
In 3.5-pound poly bags:
- AB707AZ
- AB707BZ
- AB707CZ
- AB708AZ
- AB708BZ
- AB708CZ
- AB709AZ
- AB709BZ
- AB709CZ
- AB710AZ
- AB710BZ
- AB710CZ
- AB712AZ
- AB712BZ
- AB712CZ
In 10-pound paper bags:
- A020707AZ
- A020707BZ
- A020807AZ
- A020807BZ
- A020907AZ
- A020907AZ
- A021007AZ
- A021007BZ
- A021207AZ
- A021207BZ
Horse owners that purchased Unimilk from the affected batch should cut the lot code number off the bottom of the bag and throw the product out. Send the lot code to Manna Pro Products, 707 Spirit 40 Park Dr., Suite 150, Chesterfield, MO 63005, attn: Suze L. Include the receipt if possible. If no receipt is available, indicate where you bought the product and what you paid for it and the company will issue a refund.
Questions regarding the Unimilk recall can be directed to 866/489-1500.
Numerous pet food products have been recalled because of potential melamine contamination in wheat gluten and rice protein concentrate imported from China.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has maintained a list of recalled pet food products on its
Web site. For answers to frequently asked questions concerning the recall, see the FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine Web site at