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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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from just saying I am done,I just can't do this anymore. its not worth it

I am not being dramatic or anything it is I am just sick and tired of the well, crap. And having to prove myself over and over and over and over and listening to the know it alls and the you must be working with the devil,you must be a witch,voodoo and any other tag they can think of.

If I was getting rich or making really big money maybe, but for right now I just want to say I'm done.

You win!
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bfogg, gifted people are the most persecuted. The people you have helped far out weigh the non belivers. As long as you keep your ears open for the animals you can shut them for the humans. Take Care Whit
If you give up, they win!! You have a gift that has helped so very many. Find peace in yourself and know that there will always be doubters. You can't change them, but you can find joy in knowing all the wonderful things you've done. AND.....remember that there are plenty of us who do believe in you and what you can do!!
Noooooooooooooooooooooo, Bonnie you help so many that even if it were not a real gift and I do think you have one, that the good you do outweighs it all.

I'm sure it hurts and is frustrating but don't let anyone make you feel like this, as is said they can't without your permission, I think Eleanor R. once said or something like it. Actually, take if from me, I could care less what some dimwits think about me or who I am, I only hang out with quality people with character anyway

Keep your spirits up there are many more that love you than will ever treat you like this, do it for those who care.
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Hang in there kiddo :saludando: lots of people just don't understand and you don't have to prove yourself to them or anyone else, you know the talent you have and the animals certainly do appreciate it as then their owners can do better by them when you let them know what's going on. As for the doubters, you'll always have those but the outcome far outweighs that I hope
I tell you what I think...don't give up faith!!!

I am a person who believes strongly in the spiritual world and I believe that animals can fully understand us, but it takes us being on a different level of communication to be able to understand them...if you have the gift, don't give up on those of us who believe in you!

My mom is all about the lord, and there's nothing wrong with that but she is SO into it that she believes everything else is wrong and is the devil...i've learned to just let it go, she tells me all the time that such and such was the lords work when I truly believe it was the work of a spirit, but not the lord...s/he has far bigger things to attend to than to help me find my keys before work =)

I like to sit down and have a spiritual connection with my animals...I believe I lift to a higher level of communication and although I still only speak english, my animals understand me and they understand what I am saying...

I am rambling but what I really mean is, don't let your gift go just because some people are being stupid!!! They're not worth it...don't read their messages or answer them or anything, just ignore them and know that THE REST OF US OUT HERE HAVE FAITH IN YOU AND BELIEVE IN YOU BEING HERE!!!! Don't let us go =)
:no: It's hard to realy imagine what you're going through, but I'm very very sorry for you, that you have all this crap and terrible people to deal with.

Luckaly they could NEVER ever 'win' because they don't have the gift and capabilities that you have!

I sure hope you will and can get past this and be able to continue what sóóó many people and animals cherish, respect, love and see in you and your gift. :aktion033:

: Good & positive thoughts keep on coming your way

Bonnie, anyone walking in your shoes is going to be the center of great controversy.

You have your believers and your non-belivers. Your followers and your tormentors.

That's just your life; the way it is.

Maybe you didn't ask for it, but like any other life situations, you do have to deal with it and not run away from it. You cannot shut down your life and pretend it's not there. You are going to have to pick yourself back up. Accentuate the possitive.

You have chosen to bring your gift forward to the public and with that goes people that have faith and adore you and others that choose to ridicule. You have to chill and rest mentally, then deal. Try one of my "mental tidys".......where you just clear your brain and meditate and cleanse within.

If anything, it should be a great reward to you that you have helped people through their grief and suffering while having to let go of a beloved pet.

As far as making money off of your gift; I tend to think that you aren't marketing yourself properly. So you probably should re-group and think up a plan to get financially ahead with your talent.

Throwing in the towel is not the way to handle this.

Get a grip Bonnie. You have a lot of animals counting on you.
[SIZE=14pt]AMEN MARTY!! Very well said.........[/SIZE]

Please Bonnie, you have helped a lot of us. Don't let them run you

off, and stop the wonderful work you do for our animals.....
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Are you able to make a list of all the people you have helped, let's say in the last 3 years? 5 years? Now compare that list to the people who are currently causing you grief.

I'll bet anything that the first list (those you have helped) is MUCH larger than the list of people who are upsetting you right now.

You are one of the small handful of people who helped changed the quality of my horses' life. Hang in there.

Liz R.
Sending positive thoughts!! I think you should give the email addresses or phone numbers of whoever is bugging you to the rest of us and let US bug them about bugging you...give them something else to think about. :bgrin I am serious!


You've helped me more than once, I can't tell you how much.

If I have ANY capacity to send to you a 1/100th of the help and you sent to me, just let me know how.

Wishing hard that the negative dims, and the light shines for you.

Bonnie, do NOT let them win!

I am sure that it has to be very hard for you, both physically and emotionally with everything that you deal with, and there are some *very* ignorant people in this world. Don't let those with closed minds hinder your very open mind. God gave *you* that gift for a reason, he thinks you are Special, we think you are Special. Those that don't, are just ignorant.

Think of the Animals and the People that you have helped - God asked you to help them/Us, and you do. You are doing his work, and don't need to justify yourself to anyone!

You hang in there Sweetie - with all the love we share for you here, let us help protect you for awhile, ok?? And if that doesn't work, send the Non-Believers over here to talk with us, perhaps we can enlighten them?


Hugs and support for you. I have NO idea WHY anyone would give someone as sweet as you grief, but I would certainly like to get my hands on them!!! I am sad that you are having to go through this, and well, anyone that would say any such thing about you has no room to talk about whom is behaving devilishly! "Judge not, lest ye be judged" is what the Bible says, Bonnie, so while they spend their time passing judgement on you, they are forgetting what His word really is. I'm so sorry, and I hope that this won't stop you from the animals and people that rely on you.


Bonnie, count to three or three hundred. Now.....stop and take a breath....picture all you have done for so many others. Animals, people. NOW..think what you have done for me. You have given me a gift so precious and so needed. I'm getting more confident in my own abilities to heal and help. Now is not the time for you to come apart. We are bigger than that. We have God on our side. all the great spirits of the other worlds help us, our spirit guides are there to guide and help us. We are never alone. Where you are now is feeding your distress and you can't empty yourself of the bad feelings there. Go home as soon as you can and take my advice. I'm not you and I am far from being the perfect healer but I feel your despair and it hurts my head and eyes. I can feel you try not to cry.

Now if anyone here or elsewhere cares to bash me...go ahead. I decided to come out, so to speak, to show solidarity with my friend. My faith lies in my gift and the teachings I have recieved from Bonnie Fogg. I know already it is so hard but so rewarding. I'll take this new path no matter the cost. I care and so many others do too. Perhaps it is time for you to take some time "off". Next week is no school. Come to the hollow to heal. My door is always open to you. Come hide from the world, let the holow enfold you and warm you and the refill your heart with peace.

As for the world and those who can't or won't believe...remember our Jesus and all the nonbelievers he had to face, all the other healers that did heal and were thought to be witches. They never strayed from their heart chosen path. I love you Bonnie. And I'm not ashamed to post this on a public forum. I hope it helps you in some small way. Deb
Now if anyone here or elsewhere cares to bash me...go ahead. I decided to come out, so to speak, to show solidarity with my friend. My faith lies in my gift and the teachings I have recieved from Bonnie Fogg. I know already it is so hard but so rewarding. I'll take this new path no matter the cost. I care and so many others do too. Deb


Bonnie, hearing you give in, knowing that you're hurt, knowing that some people have been narrow minded and mean to you, HURTS MY HEART!!!!! (And ANGERS me)

Ditto what Deb said.

I hope you felt the loving, calming hug I sent you Bonnie.
Bonnie, count to three or three hundred. Now.....stop and take a breath....picture all you have done for so many others. Animals, people. NOW..think what you have done for me. You have given me a gift so precious and so needed. I'm getting more confident in my own abilities to heal and help. Now is not the time for you to come apart. We are bigger than that. We have God on our side. all the great spirits of the other worlds help us, our spirit guides are there to guide and help us. We are never alone. Where you are now is feeding your distress and you can't empty yourself of the bad feelings there. Go home as soon as you can and take my advice. I'm not you and I am far from being the perfect healer but I feel your despair and it hurts my head and eyes. I can feel you try not to cry.

Now if anyone here or elsewhere cares to bash me...go ahead. I decided to come out, so to speak, to show solidarity with my friend. My faith lies in my gift and the teachings I have recieved from Bonnie Fogg. I know already it is so hard but so rewarding. I'll take this new path no matter the cost. I care and so many others do too. Perhaps it is time for you to take some time "off". Next week is no school. Come to the hollow to heal. My door is always open to you. Come hide from the world, let the holow enfold you and warm you and the refill your heart with peace.

As for the world and those who can't or won't believe...remember our Jesus and all the nonbelievers he had to face, all the other healers that did heal and were thought to be witches. They never strayed from their heart chosen path. I love you Bonnie. And I'm not ashamed to post this on a public forum. I hope it helps you in some small way. Deb


I'd like to DITTO everything Deb (Dimi) posted. You not only have helped countless animals, settled many problems for their human owners, but have been INVALUABLE to those of us who are in "school" with their own abilities.

The people who point fingers and try to tear you down -- THEY are the evil ones. Why is it that it's so much easier to accept the negative in life and not the positive?????

Put up that Mirrored Shield around you in meditation. And any negative energy thrown at you will just bounce right back at those sending it!

Hugs and Blessings,

hi bonnie,ive only been on this forum for about 6 months,and ive always heard your name come up, your very well thought of in this place people love you and support and need you,you dont ask for anything in return except respect,which in my humble oppinion you rightly deserve,dont let people that dont understand you,change you,there are too many animals suffering out there please stay and do what your best at being bonnie, take care
Bonnie, more people hold you in high esteem, and truly love you, then do not.

And remember these people who love you are the people who have taken the time to get to know you, sometimes in spite of everything that their faith has decreed.

The people that are vilifying you do not know you or anything about you.

If it's not the work of God it must be the work of the devil- and I presume they mean theirGod, whichever religion they follow??

Have you tried asking them how many moons their planet has?????

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