I’m with Falcor, deer are different when driving! 
You have so much beautiful open space, he just wants to go exploring!

You have so much beautiful open space, he just wants to go exploring!
How awesome is that!! I sure hope you share your events with us.Thank you all for your kindness!! We're certainly getting to know each other.
Last weekend was the end of the nice fall weather. Winter is here in Alberta. It's snowing big, fluffy flakes right now!
Good friends of mine do extreme cowboy racing and are heading to Worlds down in Texas. They're such hard-working and wonderful people, I adore them. They put on obstacle clinics - for desensitization, a few times during the year. In October, right before they head south, the theme is "Spooky Animals". I took my giant baby horse, Uri, on Friday evening and Ali took her mare, Special. Had a great time, made improvements and everyone did well. A spot opened up for Saturday morning and I was able to take Falcor. What a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other better! He's quite brave (I mean, he's 16, he's been around!) but is VERY sensitive and reactive to flappy things and noises behind him. I was able to help him start to un-learn the hard flagging response of Bigger, HOTTEr, MORE!!! and start to think about things with curiosity.
I put on his driving bridle and did some long lining and dragged a tarp behind us. Oh goodness, what a duck and scoot response we got! But after a few minutes of working around, he relaxed and I was able to drop the tarp and walk away. On second try, he remained relaxed. I was very proud of him!!! He had no concern for the goat, the cow or the Llama. The pigs were reason for curiosity, but he was not wanting to be friends with them.
I'm feeling far more confident for our future in driving now. I am so glad I've spent a lot of time with him prior to hitching. Now I'm looking forward to show season!!! (Did I mention it's snowing...?)
Oh, and last night I attended the AGM of my driving club chapter. A fantastic group of very supportive and encouraging people. I was voted PRESIDENT of the club!!!! I've got a bunch of ideas for activities for next year. I think it's going to be a great opportunity for me to learn more about driving and disciplines. Hopefully my littles are up for some fun too!
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Looking good. Skis soung like funLess than 2 months after bringing him home, I've gotten my courage up and drove my fancy beastie all by myself. And he was a GOOD KID! We need to sort out whoa. Seems Hackeys come up with all sorts of interesting responses to "whoa" including some cat stances, backing up a lot, and overall fussing.
Anyways, the K-bike that I adore, just isn't suitable for Falcor. He's too tall, the shafts honestly float in the loops and are lifted too high... But we had fun regardless. I put a bunch of pilons and "hazards" in my arena to work around and was really pleased with how malleable he is, once he got the idea. I think he's going to be a blast out on marathon. Hopefully he'll be brave through the water!!!
So we'll go back to the tire for a couple more weeks until his proper cart arrives. Maybe we'll have enough snow by then that I can just put the skis on it! Who knows?
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well! Take a look at that bench seat with the spring suspension and padding on the arm rests and on the shafts too!I've been doing a lot of extra work lately at an assignment launching a new computer system. My whole November has been pretty much a write off. I didn't even get to drive on my last days off because I was unwell and then I got to give some reprieve to my mom watching my nieces - who were also sick! So I got to pet the ponies, hug the donkey and tell Falcor that his new cart is "in the mail". I got the teaser pics sent to me. I can't wait to get it! Hope it doesn't arrive this weekend though. I'm working 12s right through and I'm an hour away from the depot it will arrive at.
Oh well, Monday will be my last day out and then PONY TIME!
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I should have included that the manufacturer has already fabricated a replacement back and will send it out. I've just asked them to hold off until I know what else we'll need to replace - send the wheels and possibly new shafts along with it.Oh dear. You were so hoping to just hitch up and go. What will you do about the upholstery tear?