I know I'm a kid... but politics effect us too. We'll be the ones voting not too long from now, and we'll have to deal with the repercussions of who you elect, and who you
HAVE elected.
It's sad. That Bush was re-elected... I'm glad that people can only be in office twice, but thats two too many times for me. I'm sorry, but not much about his presidency was good. He ruined America's name.
We need change. We need America to get over skin color. To get over religion. To get over themselves. Am I saying that we should continue letting people cross the borders? no. I'm sorry but immigration needs to end. No one does what they used to to get into this country anymore, they just walk in and demand the rights we have. It's sick. People used to risk their lives coming over seas running away from their countries and kiss Lady Liberty's feet. No, now they decided that our money and our country, is their's as well. Obama is a good person. And he made a simple mistake with his words (he meant 47 clearly, not 57. He isn't stupid.) No, he isn't a terrorist. People are ingnorant. Obama is not though. Obama seems like a brilliant person.
But also, McCain came to my parents' work place (Fermi nuclear plant in Michigan) and they said he seemed like a good honest person, he made an effort to shake everyone's hand, even though he could have walked right on past before delivering a speech. He looked tired, and very pale though. But overall, he's a good candidate too, though I'm worried about his outsourcing... and connections to oil companies.
Politicians are so stupid though. Their commercials make me want to *shakes fist* gah... just talk to them firmly.
They sit there at each others' throats acting as if they are children. This isn't a fight. This is an election. Get a grip.
And, I'd hope to see some maturity out of the adults in this thread.
We are a nation of whiners. All we do is complain about how bad our lives are. When we have EVERYTHING. Besides a good leader at the moment. And our economy has declined. Terribly. Now, you can't ask yourself that at the end of the day and not blame Bush. It certainly wasn't Obama... Or McCain for that matter! \
Sorry if I rambled, but America needs to get it together. We out number those idiots in office, why aren't we doing anything?