I guess we're famous now

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Wow. I am another Faith fan, as well as a fan of people that bother to do rescue. To me it wasn't even so bad that they posted the pic of Faith as an example of a wormy underfed pony - she WAS at that time! It was all the negative stuff that followed!

Steph, I'm with you on the following your heart to do rescue even when it's sometimes not what seems to be smart in everyone else's eyes. I think there is a REASON people like us were made.

Here's a quote I love, just for you:

I looked at all the caged animals in the shelter, the cast-offs of human society. I saw in their eyes love and hope, fear and dread, sadness and betrayal, and I was angry. "God," I said, "This is terrible! Why don't you do something?" God was silent for a moment, and then He spoke. "I have done something," He replied. "I created you. "

The Animals' Savior, Copyright Jim Willis 1999

Bless you, Steph, for what you and your family have done for Faith. If only all animals had such wonderful homes.
i contacted parelli to let them know she was using photographs from their site too

heres her latest. They arent even worth the time

Speaking of minis, if you ever want to find absolutely the richest snark fodder around you don't have to go any farther than a popular mini board.

Nothing but a bunch of irresponsible breeders/owners who think nothing of breeding one cull to another, cluelessly overfeeding their animals into founder, colics and worse or even more pathetic, the disqustingly obese women dressed in some thrift store prom dress reject making their poor little minis haul their fat ***** around some show ring in a heavy, unbalanced cart. But hey, no one is supposed to notice that or even mention it lest they be shredded by the forum's wolf pack. Just plain sad, sad, sad.

August 7, 2007 5:32 PM
You know, could someone do me a favor and do a real critique on Faith? I'm barn blind and don't really know what I'm looking at anyway. If someone could do that for me, I could email them a picture.

Steph - one last comment - even this nasty person who posted on you had SOME good things to say about Faith - I think that says a lot!
See below.

"You know what? This is one of those that, if I could get my hands on her, or any of you who know what you're doing with nutrition, actually could have some potential. The bone structure is not all bad here. Yeah, she's got a bad case of "nest" but some of that is malnutrition. The pose couldn't be worse, and the condition is appalling...but there is some potential for a usable animal here if. . ."
LOL Kay, I was just talking to Tanya and she also mentioned contacting Parelli. Now that's someone with money to hire a good lawyer.

Boy, Google does a good job with the scare tactics, don't they?

a company that sent an infringement notification seeking removal of online materials that were protected by the fair use doctrine was ordered to pay such costs and attorneys fees. The company agreed to pay over $100,000.
I've also noticed that this place gets a little heated at times. Well, we all have bad days and sometimes those bad days leak into our posts. At least that's how I like to think of it. Or some people like to hide behind thier internet ID and be someone totally different. Sorry folks, I'm not like that. What you see is what you get with me. I don't try to be hurtful and if I have in the past, I deeply apologize. I love you all
I have looked at that blog from time to time... and usually find it to be too much of a bashfest and patting each other on the back for their exemplary Excellent Horsemanship to be of any good. Too much Look at The Clever Witty/Rude Comments I Can Make and very little actual help at times.

Consider the source and the Tone that is inherent there. And that mini comment about the fat women in the unbalanced carts? Sounds disturbingly familiar.... hmmmm.

Whatever. Pfffffffffffffft. Let it roll off. Tomorrow they will have a new victim. And not give a sh*t about back stories or the people involved or anything other than their own "witty" comments...

There is snark - and there is just plain rudeness. It has also happened here on this board at times - so perhaps a bit of consideration for the pot calling the kettle black needs to come into play as well....
Steph, my heart goes out to you for trying to do something good and have it turn out to hurt you. That person had no right to use your picture without your permission....I don't understand people who are so rude as to not have respect for what belongs to another person. You have every right to ask for that picture to be removed and an apology given or else put her in the hot seat. There is a lot a person can let roll off their back but using your picture is not at all ethical or even legal. Good luck gal, know you are very upset righ now but it will get better. Hugs, Mary

I wouldn't know the first thing to do as far as contacting an attorney. I've spent the last few hours deleting pics off of photobucket and here on LB as well. I'm crying the whole time. I have all of these pictures on disk but I feel like I'm deleting my life. I just can't understand how someone can be so cruel and think it's fun. This one person, in her single act of selfishness and "just for fun" has turned my whole life upside down. My daughter saw what was written (while I was out of the room for a minute) and asked how anyone could write those things about us. I just said that some people have to get their kicks from degrading other people. I'm just about done with the internet all together. For a lot of years, the internet and this board in particular has brought so much joy to my life. This one act just about makes up for it all. I'm finding out that most people are cruel and heartless. If this person knew just what this has done to my family, maybe she'd rethink what she's doing.

I doubt it :no:
I am so sorry you have had to go through this. Sadly.. I had to deal with something rather like this ..last week.

Seems to be no end of people on their high horse
: , willing to try to cause problems and hurt good people.

Hope you are able to get the picture and false infomation off that site.
I'm so sorry Steph....I can imagine the hurt and pain this is causing you. Has to be unsettling. There has been some good advice in this thread so I won't reiterate, but I just wanted to say....your little girl Faith, is beautiful every which way. Enjoy and love her as you are doing, no matter what her conformation/evaluation is in the eyes of others, she is beautiful to you and your family and that's all that matters.

I think this is just so wrong. I read a few posts on that thread and frankly it got my dander up. People evidently have nothing better to do than to bring others down to make themselves feel mighty. Those are very, very small minded and sad people...ashame. And you want to know the kicker.....they probably are'nt as bold as they are hiding behind their brash, rude computer comments and evaluations in real life.
ok could not go on that site at work so had to wait till now... i was shocked an appalled :no: and immediately had to join so i could post a rebuttal along with the rest of you. i hope i am not sorry i gave them my e-mail address

Steph you know you did the right thing. these people know not of which they speak so consider the source! as for me i won't be "darkening their doorstep" ever again!
The attitudes shown on that site are beyond belief!

I would like to know just WHERE in WHAT book it says ALL horses MUST be ridden? Or ALL minis MUST pull a cart?

The lack of intelligence in some people never ceases to amaze me. :eek:

If I hadn't read those posts for myself I would not have belived people could be so ...................
Steph I forgot to say I am sorry you have been put through all this crap. I was so busy being shocked there is a website like this. You most certainly do not deserve this one bit I am terribly sorry.

I have this really sinking feeling in my gut:

Would the following forum members please step forward to tell me I am way off base here:

Lisa, RuffnTuff




Kay Kay


and any other OLDIE forum members that knows what is going through my mind?

Does this sound like a certain woman hater that we used to know? Think back years ago. Remember?

Or is this just a figment of my imagination??????
You know, every time I go back to that place, even when I went there before Faith's picture was posted, I can feel my blood pressure starting to rise. There's a huge difference between pictures/comments posted with the intent to teach and this crap. The person running that "blog" doesn't even have the decency to post a real name so that should say something right there. I'm done with it. I know good and well that what I'm doing is right, for Faith and us. Yeah, buying her left us in short supply as far as cash went, but we made do and Faith NEVER went without. Even during the ice storm when we were staying with my mom, I made sure to come home and check on her as long as the roads were open. I guess those folks think that she would've been better off where she was, waiting on the no good sheriff or humane society to come help her :no: One of these days they'll write about the wrong person and the fur will fly. I want to be there to see it

Does this sound like a certain woman hater that we used to know? Think back years ago. Remember?
Oh Marty, I'm not too much of an oldie, but I think I know who you're talking about. A certain person from Florida, if I remember right?
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All I can say is wow Steph. This is the most awful thing I think I've ever seen. You have done a great job with Faith and don't let anyone take that away from you. Definately DO NOT give them any more insight into you life or ammunition to use. Like someone already mentioned, they will have a new target tomorrow.

I wanted to post pics of me and Blue driving this weekend but I don't think I feel like that would be a good idea as I'm not svelte so I don't want to be accused of hurting my mini hauling my fat butt around.
: :no:

And Marty yes I think I know exactly who you are thinking about and as far as I'm concerned he can kiss my fat ***.
Yes Steph & Triggy, that's what I was thinking exactly. Sounds to me like the same M O .........but it simply can't be........can it? They are computer wizards and very capable to pull it off.

Anyhow, I'll never waste my time going back there and hope you don't either.
This is the first time I have ever been to that site and I won't ever go back!

Yes Marty that does sound like the creep. It wouldn't surprize me to learn it was him!
Thanks to Ashley for letting me know about this (link). Faith is on Fugly Horse Of The Day and I couldn't be more angry. This person did not take the time to get the story on her. I'm not sure where they got the picture from (I've posted it here several times so could've been from anywhere). Maybe someone sent it to them. I don't know and don't care, it just bothers me to no end that someone was claiming that me or my family was not taking care of our horses. A few people had already stood up and posted that Faith was a rescue, but I posted a short version of her story and a link to a newer picture. Hopefully that'll be posted as well. :eek: :eek:
Yep the animal rights people are everywhere and Steph you have just been hit. :no: :no: I am so sorry. If I were you I would be mad as heck as you didn't giver permission...copyright violation and your daughter is also in the picture.....these people are freaks and I have no use for them. Be warned these people lurk everywhere and especially where there are EVIL BREEDERS that means anyone breeding any animal.

If I can help in anyway holler I know a couple people who might have some ideas.

OK right at blogspot you can file a copyright infiringement

"To expedite our ability to process your request, please use the following format (including section numbers):

1.Identify in sufficient detail the copyrighted work that you believe has been infringed upon. This post must include identification of the specific posts, as opposed to entire sites. Posts must be referenced by the permalink of the post. For example, “The copyrighted work at issue is the text that appears on http://johndoe.com/test/2006_01_01.html#2106.

2. Identify the material that you claim is infringing the copyrighted work listed in item #1 above.

YOU MUST IDENTIFY EACH POST BY PERMALINK OR DATE THAT ALLEGEDLY CONTAINS THE INFRINGING MATERIAL. The permalink for a post is usually found by clicking on the timestamp of the post. For example, “The blog where my copyrighted work is published on is http://copyright.blogspot.com/archives/200..._example.html.”

3. Provide information reasonably sufficient to permit Google to contact you (email address is preferred).

4. Include the following statement: "I have a good faith belief that use of the copyrighted material described above on the allegedly infringing web pages is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.".

5. Include the following statement: "I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the copyright owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed."

6. Sign the paper.

7. Send the written communication to the following address:

Google, Inc.

Attn: Google Legal Support, Blogger DMCA Complaints

1600 Amphitheatre Parkway

Mountain View, CA 94043

OR fax to:

(650) 618-2680, Attn: Blogger Legal Support, DMCA Complaints"

I am sure all the pictures are pirated from various forums and group sites or websites.........if enough people were to file complaints we could shut this blogger down. I will send a complaint in tomorrow
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Does this sound like a certain woman hater that we used to know? Think back years ago. Remember?

Or is this just a figment of my imagination??????
Heh - Marty, I beat you to that thought on the last page... when I said:

Consider the source and the Tone that is inherent there. And that mini comment about the fat women in the unbalanced carts? Sounds disturbingly familiar.... hmmmm.
Do I win a prize for being the first one to be suspicious??!!
I'm really disgusted to see Faith is still on that page.

You know, this message board really is ripe with reasons for people to throw stones at breeding practices, uninformed training practices, etc. I'm sorry, but it has much material for someone who is in the mood to be nasty to harvest because there are a lot of unenlightened people breeding and training minis. I don't know why someone would take joy in devoting a website to it, but still...

However, I honestly don't know why Faith, a pony who was rescued and rehabbed, is on the site. My most beautiful horse could look just as "bad" as Faith did when Steph rescued her, if it was in a similarly bad situation. I don't know why anyone would find it funny to "laugh" at a horse who needed help. Especially when Faith has come so far and is obviously with a family who loves her and takes excellent care of her.

I really can't even get my brain around how I'd feel if I found a picture of one of my horses held up for ridicule some place online. It's one thing to post a picture or idea here, and have others share their opinions (with which you / I may or may not agree), and a totally different thing for someone ELSE to hold up your horse for others to pick on or joke about.

Again, I am so sorry Steph and I hope you can take comfort in knowing anyone with half a brain and a quarter of a heart would identify with YOUR SIDE of this, and not some nasty spirited person who runs a website devoted to making fun of other people's animals.
When I saw her on there I could have fell out of my chair. I didnt/couldnt believe it was her. How dare they take a rescue and critique her or the ones that cared enough to save her. Horses for sale are one thing but a rescue is another.

Steph I am so sorry your having to deal with these ignorant people. But I hope you see you have a world behind you that is full of love and compasion. What do they have? a blog full of put downs, hurt, and negative feelings. Sad people with a sad existance. Don't you think if her horses meant so much, she'd spend time with them and not searching for pictures on the net to talk about.

Steph, again, I am sooo sorry.

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