Yes marty i was pretty sure that was him. those were almost the exact words posted here some time ago. I just cant believe some of the comments on that site.
......... If it is please watch what you say on here. If I recall correctly on here there was a threat made to get back at the forum people who were giving this person a hard time..... Also if this is that same person, the fire has been started & there is plenty of fuel being added to it much to their glee. Mission has been accomplished ( or just begun). Follow the leagal route & go after this person, beginning with the picture removal.................. Such a waste of energy by this person directing it toward negative comments when it could be put to better use for a positive outcome.Yes Steph & Triggy, that's what I was thinking exactly. Sounds to me like the same M O .........but it simply can't be........can it? They are computer wizards and very capable to pull it off.
My thoughts exactly Jill! That website is cruel. If they have any kind of sensitivity or compassion to equines, they would'nt be exploiting (yes exploiting) them on a website with those intentions. I can see a website dedicated to before and after pics and to help a community know what to look out for etc.....but this is just downright vicious. Not only do I feel bad for Steph, but I feel bad for those poor horses that are pasted up there and made fun of. :no: Nothing constructive about that.I don't know why anyone would find it funny to "laugh" at a horse who needed help.
Not sure if this information is relevant, but it may be worth a read:
Bloggers Beware: Debunking Nine Copyright Myths of the Online World:
LINK To Article
I really can't even get my brain around how I'd feel if I found a picture of one of my horses held up for ridicule some place online. It's one thing to post a picture or idea here, and have others share their opinions (with which you / I may or may not agree), and a totally different thing for someone ELSE to hold up your horse for others to pick on or joke about.
Thank you all so much: I'm surprised, but I actually slept last night, and pretty good, too. I still can't seem to get my mind around why someone would do this to me. I've never done anything to this person. Some people just feel the need to put other people down, to make themselves feel bigger and better. I haven't dealt with that type of person much since high school, and NEVER to this degree.![]()
I do believe this is a stock answer. They would be kept busy for 100 years or more if they looked into every insult flung their way.just got off the phone with parelli and they have their attorney looking at it![]()
That's the exact problem that I've had with this whole thing. I don't know WHERE she got my picture (probably from here, but I posted pics here for everyone to see and to get advice), but I definately did NOT send it to her or give her permission to post a picture with my 10 year old daughter for anyone on her blog to see and post about. People were bashing my daughter because the "poor kid" needed to read more horse books to see what a horse was supposed to look like. IF this person would've asked to use my picture, and I'm not exactly hard to find, I would've cropped out my daughter and allowed her to use it with no problems.I have sent her some to use of my horses that I took