I had surgery on my feet last week and

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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[SIZE=12pt]...because I waddle when I walk~LOL[/SIZE]

I had the surgery done on my feet on Monday (for Mulder's Neuroma) and I'm really doing pretty well. My feet are very sore, as expected, but I'm walking with my special "goober shoes"~LOL I drove Thursday for the first time. Mom stayed with us Sunday through Thursday AM, so she did the driving that was needed until then. Things are getting better every day and if I'd sit down more, it would help

The Doc was not wanting to do both feet, but I (figuratively, at the pre-op appt) put my foot down and told him I didn't want to go through this (with 2 kids to chase after and STUFF I wanted to be able to do) again in a year!

He tested my foot, heard the "Mulder's click" again very plainly in the "not as bad foot" and agreed to do both. To the surprise of everyone, the neuroma in my left "better" foot was just as large as the right, it just wasn't as constricted yet. They were also MUCH bigger than we thought, approximately 5/8" x 3/4"...that's big when it's on the nerve and shoved in between bones!!

I'll have 3-4 weeks of wearing my lovely "goober shoes" and hopefully will be ready to get back to normal activity. Steve is having to do all of the farm chores, work full time plus AND deal with our rental properties, so he's TIRED, but we'll both be so much happier when I'm able to keep up with him and the kiddos! We want to go to a large local race at the end of next month and may camp, depending on the weather, so I *really* want to be able to just have fun finally without worrying about not being able to walk or stand for very long....YIPPEE!!!
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You'll be back to your old routine in no time.

I admire you for having both feet done at the same time. I probably would have wanted to do it that way also. Being confined and restricted for one surgery is a whole lot easier than two different times.

You better behave yourself if you want to be chasing after those younguns and be pain free.

Hope you're feeling 100% very soon, but do follow dr.'s orders and take it easy to make sure you don't cause any other damage and overdo it! Easy to do w/those two you have to keep after.

Best wishes...

Sounds like fun...NOT.
Hope you are back on your feet, literally, in no time.

Rest and Relax those feet, so you heal correctly then you can tear up anything you want!!

Glad your done with both feet and will recover soon...
Thanks everyone
I am feeling so much better every day. I realized about time to go pick up Mia at school yesterday that I had not had any Ibuprofen all day, so I took just one and left. I'm glad I did. The poor kid came out to the car feeling a bit punky with a UTI (with 0 symptoms until yesterday at school!) and we ended up going straight to the Doctor, then Wal-mart for 1 1/2 HOURS waiting for her prescription. Zac and I toodled around in an electric cart and "sick" Miss M bounced all over the store. We didn't get home until after 7 PM @@.

The Doc look at me funny when I told him she had NOT been acting sick (and she has a bad UTI)! She was using the exam table and counter in the exam room as parallel bars to swing up and LEAP....oh yeah, she seemed REALLY sick~LOL Silly kid!

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