I have a color question too!!!

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Blackwater Farm

Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2010
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Ok I have posted this filly on here before asking about her color but now that she is a bit older and clipped and clean I have more questions. Now I know that she is tobiano and obviously carries sabino and might be LWO. Dont intend on breeding her ever but will test her if I ever change my mind. My questions now are about her base color. What I thought was black. She has been clipped now for well over a month and is kept blanketed. He base color almost looks like a grulla to me instead of a black. She has black points, like black around the muzzle, black on the ears and around the eyes. She has a black stripe down her back also, which I know can fade and it is also thin, only about a fingers width. If you look in the pictures back towards her flank area and a bit on her belly it takes on this burnt orange color out of the middle of nowhere! It's like that on both sides. Very strange. (She's the worlds first true tri-colored pinto!!! HAHA!!) Her body color just looks that mousey brown color, it's very puzzling. Dad is a blue roan pinto with the sabino and mom is a silver dun, I think....she has a flaxen mane and tail but has the leg barring that you can really see in the summer when she sheds which is what has led me to the silver dun conclusion. What do you guys think??? Dad is in my avatar btw...

I don't see dun-i think she is either a black bay (genetically bay but just a darker version) or a faded black.

I have a fuzzy winter pic of her dam, in the summer her body color darkens and she has leg barring There is webbing on her face and a dorsal stripe, that is why I thought silver dun. I know its hard to tell in this pic but I dont have any summer pics of her! I know the filly isnt dun. I figured she was just a faded black but that orange color on her flank and belly trips me out!!!! And she just keeps getting more of the mousey color, even though I keep her blanketed.
Her dam looks silver bay. I think your filly is just a faded black. Love that blue eye by the way! Blue eyes on black and white are my favorite
Her dam looks silver bay. I think your filly is just a faded black. Love that blue eye by the way! Blue eyes on black and white are my favorite
Then you will love to hear that she has double blue eyes!!!

I just wanted to know more or less I guess what everyone thought about the orange patches? Do you think thats just a baby thing? It doesn't feel like baby hair, it feels just like the rest of her hair. I've just never seen coloring like that before!
I don't see dun at all in your filly (remember, grulla is simply black + dun so when you say you know she isn't dun you are actually saying that she isn't grulla either!) Her dam looks silver bay--the duns I've known keep their dun leg markings even with their winter coats--leg bars may look more like "shading" than "bars" because of the long hair but the coloring is still there.

The orange shading on your filly's flanks are most likely just natural fading--even without sun exposure a fading black doesn't always stay real black.
If I were to venture a guess I would call her brown. I don't think the orange shading is faded but her natural color.
this is Rabbit last year in his (hacked about with my scissors....sorry Rabbit) winter coat.


He is a proven Red Dun + Flaxen.

As you can see there is NO "cobwebbing" and NO leg bars.


Honest, I have really looked!

He has sired more true Black Duns than you can shake a stick at, also Red Duns and one, one only, Bay Dun.

This is him in his Sunday best...


Still a Red Dun......
Oh Jane you made me smile - I too am a scissor person! Here we dont clip our foals and come Spring I can be found out in the field, surrounded by pushing and shoving babies, all wanting to get in on the act as I snip away at their long shaggy coats with my sissors LOL!! They are all loose in the field as they haven't even worn headcollars at this stage (we trim feet and worm regularly without restraints/holding them/headcollars, they follow their dams example and just stand still) and it usually takes me a week or so to get them all scissored as they are all saying "me now, me now!" so I end up doing 'portions' of each foal until they are all finished LOL!! We lead a bit of a relaxed life here!

May I also say how super Rabbit looks in his scissored picture, it's great to have a picture of him that is recent.

Sorry I digress as usual. I cannot comment about the colour of the filly above, but I would go with red dun + flaxen for her dam.


I have a fuzzy winter pic of her dam, in the summer her body color darkens and she has leg barring There is webbing on her face and a dorsal stripe, that is why I thought silver dun. I know its hard to tell in this pic but I dont have any summer pics of her! I know the filly isnt dun. I figured she was just a faded black but that orange color on her flank and belly trips me out!!!! And she just keeps getting more of the mousey color, even though I keep her blanketed.
She is colored much like my Tana, who I suspect is silver bay dun (I know she's silver bay, but only guessing she's also dun). Color tested EE,Aa, no cream, silver test wasn't available at the time; she has a dorsal, bars and cobwebbing, but it doesn't show very well on her light coat.


here's one of her bars (they don't show really well, but are there):


And, her dorsal:

My horse has similar markings on his hind legs too. He is a bay pinto though

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