Well-Known Member
Congratulations on your filly--no need for you to go trick or treating, your treat was right there at home waiting for you!
I love her bay color as well...I like Love Potions Magic Spell, Spellbound Love, Love Potion number nine, Moon Cast Shadow of love, Chocolait Love Potion,Choclait Broke the Spell....I love naming my babies its my favorite thing :aktion033:Hi all, thanks for the great suggestions. I was really surprised when i got up this morning to see all your replies. I have got some thinking to do. I woud love to say she was my filly, but alas, as soon as they are born, my three and a half year old daughter claims them all. I guess it is not so bad when my husband asks how my horses i do have, as i don't have to count half of them!!!
Will let you know what i decide and will try to get a more flattering picture.