CAM-I deffinetly respect your beliefs but I can't agree with you. I do not believe that sex should just be for marriage. What about people that don't get married? I'm very much against that for quite a few reasons that are beyond the point. I wasn't saying it was good, or ok to have sex at a young age what I was saying was that should that be something she decides to do then she should be aware of both the consequences and how to protect herself. By only telling her that abstinence is the way to go she is not getting the facts and should she decide to have sex she would haev no clue about protection. This is a difference that Canadian schools often compare with American, as from what we've learned many american schools teach only the abstinence program. According to recent stats this has led to an INCREASE in youth pregnancies as youth are NOT getting the facts.
Sex is an adult behavior, so to decide whether or not it's something you can do at this time (this goes for adults too) you need to think to I willing to go through an abortion OR have a baby if I get pregnant, am I adult enough to handle this, do I understand FULLY the consequences, am I in a long term relationship that I can easily talk about sex to my partner with, are we mature enough to use effective methods of birth control, (i.e. the B/C pill AND/or condoms *remember never use a female condom and a male condom at the same time*)...Do i know enough about sex and birth control methods as well as STI/STD preventions and do you know all about the STDs? Am I comfortable enough with my body to do this? Regardless of your age if you said no to any of those things you are NOT ready for sex.
Make sure you and your partner are totally clear abotu how far you are willing to go. Remember if you kiss back you are saying "yes this is ok". Remember NO is a very good word and make sure he (or she) knows that NO means NO!
Yes I know a rediculous amount about sex and sex related things, that's because I have a whole bookshelf filled with sex books. I have those books because I was (still not sure if I'm going to do it or not) planning on being a sexual health educator, or a sexual therapist. Scary thing is I've talked to many adults and youth alike that know very little about sex and are very naive about the subject. Something that really shouldn't be happening.
Those that don't get married should not be having sex. Now that is a biblical belief that I have that some are sure to disagree with but it is my firm belief.
If only the statement were true about the American schools. Unfortunately, the big debate here in the U.S. is that parents are upset that abstinence is NOT taught in the schools. It seems to be taking a direction quite the opposite in fact, condoms are being handed out in the schools and children are getting pregnant because all the facts are not presented. A condom given to a child does not guarantee no pregnancy. In fact, it can produce quite the opposite effect when the child feels the condom will prevent a pregnancy and in the "heat of the moment" it isn't used properly or is not used at all. Many children may opt not to have sex if they didn't feel the false sense of security.
You said yourself that sex is an adult behavior. It should not be considered an option for a child. The decision to have sex should be made between a man and a woman within a marriage and it does not show maturity to consider the decision to have a sexual relationship with someone simply as whether you are willing to have an abortion or keep the baby. Those are situations I would wish no child to be presented with as the level of maturity is not there to make an informed decision. How many 13, 14, 15, or 16+ year olds are capable of raising a child on their own or understand the true consequences and lasting guilt associated with having an abortion? My guess is that most children have no idea what either of those options really, truly mean nor have the ability to consider the lifetime of adjustments and feelings that must be made or endured if these situations truly presented themselves.
A young girl does not have the maturity to have a responsible discussion with a boy, or vice versa, about how far they are "willing to go". Things can, and do, get carried away in the "heat of the moment" and no child, in my opinion, is mature enough to make that decision.
No one is considered a sex expert or sex savy by merely reading books alone. It quite frankly astounds me that a girl your age has her hands on books of that nature as it sounds like you have been "researching" for some time. Many kids have been put in troubling situations by parents or life experiences that shouldn't be. It is unfortunate, but I for one, although not naive, will continue to be an advocate for my children and will make sure they have all the knowledge they need to help them tackle many of life's challenges in the years ahead. I will hope and pray that they make good decisions based on what they are taught. If not, I pray that they will get caught.
Secret~it sounds like you have had some good advice here and hopefully your parents will continue to have reason to trust you and set appropriate limits amidst the difficult things your family is going through. Keep your head screwed on straight and as my father-in-law always said, "It's time to straighten up and fly right". Let's hope you continue to do so.