I have to move my barn!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2005
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My mini barn is 8x16. I had it delivered fully assembled a few weeks ago. ( Hope this isn't too log but to understand how frustrated I am I have to tell the whole story.)

Please understand, I have never, ever had a bad neighbor. I have never called police or human society or anyone about anything. I mind my own business. I can't believe all this is happening and costing us thousands of dollars--and it a waste of time and money for everyone involved.

This is an equestrian community. Almost everyone here has horses (except these neighbors).

I just finished a 4 month ordeal with one neighbor over the fence line (long story it delayed me getting my horses until mid winter. And NOW the neighbor on the other side of us complained about the barn.

Here's a picture of the barn and the fence.



First neighbor complained that our fence was on her property by 1 foot (ONE FOOT BY THREE INCHES) on her property). She said we had a "red neck fence" making her dream house look like trash and she wanted it removed or she was suing. Plus she reported us to the county. She called it "red neck" becasue she has rod iron fence and a huge Greek statue of Venus in her yard. Our house is as nice as hers, our yard is well kept.

The markers showed our fence was on our yard and not in her yard but she bought GPA device when she put up her fence and claimed the survey was wrong. So we paid $500 to have a new survey and found her fence was 10 FEET by 160 FEET on our yard!! And guess what - SHE WAS MAD AT US! Her husband came over and screamed obscenities at my husband. They had ANOTHER survey done and found out the same thing she was furious that she had to move her fence. I even told her she didn't have to but she was still yelling about us being red necks and how our red neck fence has ruined her dream house. Neither I or my husband ever raised our voice or said anything in anyway in anger (we were trying to be kind). BTW, its not easy for me to throw away $500.

We waited for two months for them to move their fence so we could finish ours and they didn't. We couldn't finish our fence to get our horses. We gave up and fenced in an acre on the other side (near the other neighbor) just to get the horses (another $10,000 on top pf the $500 for the survey).

I choose a beautiful spot for the on top of a hill on our side yard. But after we talked about it we decided it would block our second neighbor's scenic view so we put the barn in a corner near our house. We paid $250 to have the area leveled. His fence and ours run along each other. I wanted to set the barn far enough back that the horse couldn't get stuck so I had the guy back the barn up to our fence. (I had no idea there was a rule). Note the neighbors house is at least almost an acre away from our barn on the farthest side of his property.

The second neighbor called the country and reported the barn was not ten feet from his property. We received a registered letter informing us we have to pay a fine for no building permit (I didn't know we needed one because we did not build anything). And we have to move the barn. Get this -- The barn is 6 ft from his fence. Now I have to pay the fine (who knows how much) and someone to level the new area another $250.

Why on earth would moving our barn 4 ft make a difference? Why are people so mean? Why didn’t he ask us to move it?

I swear I have never purposely hurt anyone in my life--I just don't understand people like this. Every year my children and I make and take these neighbors turkey candy cookies for Thanksgiving, and cookies for Christmas, etc. We always wave when we see them. I just don't get it. I'm a Christian and I'm praying like crazy not to be angry. It hard. I'm sincerly praying for both neighbors.

Sorry to be so long. I needed to get this out.

My question, How do I move the barn?

Its on a hill so I think I have to bring in dirt to have the new spot leveled.

Thanks for letting me vent.
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I happen to like your barn and your fence...guess I'm a red neck too...

Have you ever heard of a skid? You actually put it under the barn all the way around and slide the barn where you want it to go. You could take a chain and attach to the skid and pull with your truck or tractor. Are you going to move it downhill? Would be easier yet.
MY LORD!!!!..LOL>....i wish i was that "RED NECK"..if that fence and barn is "red neck"!!!!LOL......GOOD GRIEF!!!!...PEOPLE ARE NUTS!!!!!
Apparently the saying doesnt hold true in this case, Good fence makes good neighbors. Your fence is very nice and they just arent very nice. I dont know why people are like this, cuz they dont have enough to do. On our place we used to live, we had a road that went to the back of our property. Well the neighbor decided to use it for part of his circle driveway. It was our easement, paid by us owned by us. We asked them nicedly not to use as part of their driveway. Well we ended up fencing it off as they just kept on using it, he then sued us as he supposely hurt his shoulder running into it in the middle of night it was dark didnt know it was there. Nice neighbors huh? He didnt win the suit, but just made us miserable. I love neighbors. Where we live now is all wonderful neighbors. Thanks goodness
Well your fence is beautiful so we know right off the bat that neighbour is crazy!!! The other neighbour is just not being reasonable. It is a shame that you have to move your barn and it would have been really nice if they had come to you first rather than taking the legal route but a law is a law and it is up to us to check out all the zoning laws before we build for our animals. I too have had a nasty neighbour and I will always check out everything before I build or set up any kind of animal housing just because of my experience with them. Fortunately for me I had that all done before erecting my barn so they lost out not me. Take this as a learning experience and try not to let it ruin your joy in your new barn and little horses. I would go on being "neighbourly" with these people - the cookies and waving - and make them feel guilty for giving you trouble!

As far as moving the barn goes it doesn't look in the picture as if it will be that much less level if you only have to move it out another 4 feet. Level up the barn instead of the ground. It isn't going to bother the horses at all.
WOW, and I thought my neighbours where nuts! Heck the neighbour that shares my one fence even put in a gate so my guy can mow her lawn! The neighbour on the other side doesn't play with a full deck, so just think he's a big dog. :lol:
Your neighbor who is balistick about your fence is OUT OF HER MIND. I would be sure to keep any survey markers down that were done, or you will lose some of your property to a maniac.

About the barn..... I can't tell from the photo how it is set. If it is still portable, then you don't need a permit and don't need to abide by the county building laws (and can thumb your nose at the neighbor)...... I sure hope that's the case.

I am so sorry this is happening to you. I honestly don't know how to move a barn. Maybe put it on skids to move it? That really sucks that your neighbor didn't talk to you about it first. My opinion on the "red neck" lady is to MAKE her move her fence that is on YOUR property. She is using your property, and you can't because she has a rod iron fence on your land. Have a lawyer draw up a letter advising her that you will sue to remove her fence. She is in the wrong, as the surveys show. Most people back down in the face of legal action. And your fence is not a "red neck" fence. It is a beautiful wood fence, one I would love to have. And if that makes you red necks, then you will be red necks with lots of friends, because most of us here on this board would love to have fences like that. You can always see about reporting your fenced in neighbors for harrassment if they don't stop yelling obscenities at you. Maybe all that iron on your property they put there has caused some sort of iron poisoning in their systems causing their behavior. I wish you all the luck and patientence in the world in dealing with your neighbors.
First off the neighbor that has the iron fence and the statue of Venus. Is venus clothed if not I would tell the County that the Statue is offensive. Unfortunately the only way to deal with neighbors like this is to put them over a barrell. Also I would write her a registered letter telling her that she owes you this much money for the fence being located on your property. If you don't say anything and you allow her to leave it there usually in most states after it has been there for so many years that property will revert to them. You may want to look into that because you could lose more then your temper over that. As far as the barn unfortunately in most states there are side yard and front and rear yard building restrictions that one has to adhere to and you might find that building without a permit can be a considerable fine. As far as moving the barn there are several way to do it, the mention of the skid is good but you can also get some poles and jack up the end and put the poles under the shed in several locations perpendicular to the direction you want to move and then push. That would probably be the cheaper way to do it. Well I hope all works out for the better. But you really should check on the fence on your property because I have known several people that have lost part of their property that way.
I can relate to your problems only in a bit different way... your line that has the one neighbor's fence on it - you now must make them move their fence! We found out the hard way, if you don't make them move it or have them sign a valid lease, they can claim it as their own under some vague squatter rule and you loose your piece of land!! At least that how it worked in AL!!
Oh for goodness sake! Hey, I've got an idea, you move next to me and we''ll put MY neighbors in your place, lolol, that'll give em something to talk about! They'd just burn up the lines to their lawyers and the local government! Ohh, that'd be something to see!!

Seriously though, the barn was brought in wasn't it? It's a moveable building so you probably didn't need a building permit and it's not taxable, don't let them yank your chain on that. The easiest way to move it would be to get a few poles (like telephone pole pieces) jack up one end of the barn, put the poles underneath and push, moved in no time!

And yes, MAKE the other neighbors move the fence or in time they will have a right to the land due to squatters rights, that law does apply here in our state.

And BTW, I personally LOVE your fence! I could only imagine their reaction if you'd put in regular livestock fence, geez!

Sell the land to your neighbor that she is now occupying & take that money to pay to have your barn moved. I would take a picture of the barn & verify with the authorities if in fact a permit is needed for that type. I would love to have a fence that nice.
We really do mind our own business up here and don't want trouble with anyone. I have only had two neighbors's up here on the mountain that gave us fits. One was over their dogs and the other was over their dogs. The first ones left thank goodness and the second ones took care of thier dog situation and now we are very neighborly again. From time to time there are a couple of characters that do strange things but then again, so do we. We have a very good neighborhood actually.

In the first place, that lady doesn't know what a REDNECK fence is. Them thar is fightin words now. She better check hersefff !

A real redneck fence is a fence that is made of rubber tires that are halfway dug into the ground with broken pieces of concrete scattered through it here and thar and barbed wire dangling from it. I THINK YOU SHOULD BUILD ONE !!! RIGHT ON THE FENCE LINE!!!

And if she ever sets foot in Tennessee and wants to meet some real REDNECK kids she can meet the likes of mine who will give her "what fer" in a New York minute. Like I tell everybody, my kids don't know "tae kwon do" but they sure know "kick your axx"

As far as VENUS, got painball gun?

POOP ON HER that big ole trouble making nosey.

When I first saw your little barn I thought that was the most cutest thing I have ever seen!

Put it on a skid and drag it with a tractor next to your house . The closer it is to your house the less steps for you to walk out and check on your little ones.

And OH! Silly me, I almost forgot!

Every righteous redneck pasture has to have one of these!

You should build you one too!

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I guess the lesson in all of this....check ALL state and local statutes and rules BEFORE doing any work on your property. Yes it is your property, but there are rules and laws and local covenants...many of them exist for a reason.

While it may seem piddlin' -- the 10 foot rule is logical -- that is so that a vehicle can get around the edge of the building without driving on the neighbor's property.

Dumb? Maybe but that's pretty standard nation-wide. An example ... My ex-sister-in-law wanted to add a garage onto their house. If they had built it as desired - there would have been just 4 feet between their outside wall and the property line. The only way they could get the permit was to put garage doors on both the entrance and back side of the garage so they could drive straight through to the back yard...and it took special action by the town council to get it approved. (and yes -- a permit is needed in virtually EVERY community...if there are any kinds of "footings" or foundation...not sure your building needs one unless there are anchors)

So, hopefully others reading this thread will consult with their county offices before starting any kind of building project. And...maybe talk to the neighbors BEFORE starting a project. Sorry, but communication up front would have saved a lot of headaches later on. The place I lived before moving here, my neighbor wanted to put in a decorative vinyl board rail fence along our property line. He talked to me before he bought the materials. Said if I objected he wouldn't do it. I loved that guy!!! It made my place look soooooo nice!!

And yes -- unless your neighbor moves that fence off of your property -- after a certain period of time (you will need to check your state statutes--it's usually quite a few years) it does become her property in most states.
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Seriously though, the barn was brought in wasn't it? It's a moveable building so you probably didn't need a building permit and it's not taxable, don't let them yank your chain on that. The easiest way to move it would be to get a few poles (like telephone pole pieces) jack up one end of the barn, put the poles underneath and push, moved in no time!
I agree about this, at least in my state it is this way, I don't know about your state. Your barn would be the same as a shed from home depot, it is moveable and not a permanent structure therefore would not need a building permit.

Your fence and barn are lovely. Jack up each side of the barn and put skids under it and move it that way. If the ground is just slightly unlevel, it will be fine, or dig to make the ground level - hard work but cheaper than buying more fill.

Make that witch move her dang fence and put up an outhouse like Marty said. I personally like outhouses - that wouldn't need a building permit either.

Sorry this is happening to you - thank heavens you won't have to move your fence.
If you move the barn- and you need to check with County (they will have sent you a standard letter based on the facts given them- no-one will have been out to check)

a) Do you actually need permission to put up a "temporary building" (ie anything that does not have concrete bases)

b) if you (legally) erect a temporary building does it, in fact , have to comply with the building regulations??

Ask these questions one at a time, a) first, and get an answer- if answer is No, then ask b).

IF you have to move it, move it a MEASURED four foot and get someone out to actually record that you have complied. A few strong men could move that whole structure four feet in an afternoon- I've seen whole HOUSES being moved- like two miles, not four feet.!!!

Get that neighbour to move her fence- they know EXACTLY what they are doing, it happens all the time. They knew when they put the fence up it was on your property, they are just "trying it on" and you need to get them to move it or you will lose the land!!!!

Do not lease it to them because even with a lease, squatters rights still apply in some places.


And complain about the naked statue in their garden!!!!!
What a beautiful barn and absolutely gorgeous setting for your minis to live and you to enjoy!

Had the same problem with neighbors at one point. Basically, they moved the survey stakes when we moved in (as though it mattered....and I found a bit of humor in the pettiness).

One day, I received a call from "the wife" AT WORK.....as she objected to my husband mowing near the arborvitae they just planted on "the property line". Well, they paid for a surveyor and their hedgerow was 10+ feet on our property.

My husband gave them a choice, either move the plants over far enough on their property so as roots may not be harmed....should we decide to put in a fence. OR, THEY COULD BUY THE LAND FROM US!

Funny, they had the biggest house in the neighborhood (plus 5 acres). Our home was 2.5 acres and the smallest house. Not long after, my husband became HIS BOSS at work :bgrin
Hmmmmmmmm if that's a redneck fence and barn I want one :aktion033: does she even know what a redneck is? You might be a redneck if your uncle walks you to your 6th grade class because he's in the same grade. You might be a redneck if you can't take a bath because the engine to your '64 ford is in the bathtub, you might be a redneck . . ok you get the picture, people just have too much time on their hands, and the Venus statute how tacky, if she's nude drape her body with the confederate flag ( no offense to anyone intended this is just all in fun and I'm as southern as they get) hmmmmmmm come to think of it I might be a redneck :new_shocked: :bgrin :lol: OK I'll go back and sit on the porch with my spitoon

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