I hurt my ankle

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2007
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About a week and two days ago I hurt my ankle. I don't even have a good story for it either. It just gave out. My hubby and father both said that it was probably just sprained so I didn't go to the doctor. When it happened I fell down really hard and then I almost blacked out because the pain was so intense. I even got sick to my stomach. It hasn't gotten any better so I finally gave in and went to the doctor yesterday. She sent me for xrays but I won't know anything until next week sometime. Do any of you have experience with sprains and breaks in the ankle?

Here is what my ankle's normally look like.

This is my right ankle.


And here is my left ankle about 3 days after it happened. The swelling has gone down a bit but the bruising is worse now and has spread into my toes and onto the inside of my foot. I can walk but it is pretty painful
It starts aching really bad.



Sorry. I'm sure you guys don't really want to look at someone else's feet but I was hoping somebody might know a little more about it than I do
Ok, first I would like to say.....I am so sorry you hurt your ankle. I have broken one of mine twice (yes, same ankle) and sprained/torn ligaments on the other several times. I know the pain you are in.

Second.....What the heck kind of doctor do you go to, that does X-Rays one day, then gets results several days later??? Why didn't they tell you then?

I would keep that ankle elevated and ice it once an hour for 20 min to help with pain and swelling.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.
The doctor didn't take the xrays in her office. She sent me to Modesto Radiology. Whenever I have needed any kind of testing done that is where she sends me. I was surprised to find out that it would be 5-7 business days before I had the results
Especially since I don't know how bad it is. I have hurt this ankle in the past several times but it has NEVER been this bad. It's really starting to annoy me though because I can't spend much time outside with my animals because it hurts.

When you broke your ankle, where you still able to walk on it? How can you tell between a sprain, break, or tear?

5-7 days?? I agree, ice that ankle. I would use support until you see the doctor and elevate your foot. Do you have an ankle brace? Hope your better real soon.
Yes and sprains can be a lot worse then a break. I sprained mine at a horse show once. I stepped in a hole at the beginning of the show. It sounded like a snapped rubber band. Struggled through the day hopping mostly. Drove a stick shift home(it was my left ankle). It was about an hour drive home. The pain was unreal. My husband took me to the ER. It was a severe sprain. I was given crutches and one of those air casts to mobilize it(I think you can get them at a drug store). It took a year for the pain to quit 100%. Now if I step just right it will still snap and do the rubber band noise. I haven't sprained it yet though.

I hope you are feeling better soon and hope you get your results soon as well. Keeping it up and icing it does help.

It was a different sort of pain when I broke it.......I knew someting wasn't right. Like Kim said, when I sprained and tore ligaments, the sound was bad....CRACK and thought it was for sure broken. nope. The doctor said a break was easier to heal though......I didn't try to walk on the foot, any of the times I hurt them. I am a big chicken, that way...way to much pain for me. I would rather sit and cry, and wait for help to show up, LOL.
Ouch...that looks nasty.

I've been sent for xrays at a radiology center and they drive the xrays to my doctor that day (since at most of those places there is no one who is actually liscensed to read the xray, just take the xray) unless it's late in the afternoon, then they take it in the am. A week is entirely too long to wait...a day maybe, but not a week. If I was you I'd see on Monday if they will give you the xray and you take it to your doctor yourself.

Sorry you feel so bad, it looks terrible.
My bad sprained ankle looked like that - IMMEDIATE swelling. And 3 years later it still hurts. . .guess I shoulda done PT.

In my experience, sprains hurt worse than breaks, though I've never broken an ankle. With broken wrists, hands, arm - they hurt, but mostly they felt weak and "not right".

Good luck - if they recommend PT - DO IT!
Yes my doctor said she is going to see if my insurance will cover PT. I'm sure they will. When it happened I heard two very LOUD pops. The doctor did prescribe me an air cast but it really hurts when I wear it. So I am only wearing it if I leave the house.

I think I am going to look into a different doctor because it seems like anything I have done always takes forever to find out the results.

My ankle does feel a little better today. It doesn't feel as stiff and it's not aching quite as bad. Probably because I tried to stay off of it yesterday. Hopefully I can find out the results on Monday.

I am starting to feel like I will need to wear an ankle brace for the rest of my life just to be safe.

I have been thinking about you....how is your ankle doing? That looked so painful, hopefully it's mending

quickly for you!

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