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May 1, 2006
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Hi there, I have search all over the internet and can't find any infomation on the questions I have.. I take in unwanted exotic pets I have owned everything from a 8 foot aligator to venmous snakes. Now I got a call for a mini horse I have no idea what I am getting myself into I don't know what to feed him. how big a corral he needs I have a small barn already I could stable him in. I live in northern Michigan I don't know if they are cold tolerant. what kind of vaccinations they need exercise. Anything will be appericated...

I have three weeks to make up my mind on this subject I want to know the pros and cons on owning these animals. This is what I know about the animal He is only 2 years old about 2 and a half feet high very freindly doesn't mind being brushed or his feet touch. He was property of a drug bust.. He is being housed at a cops home until I decide to take him..He doesn't have time for the little guy.
At least you've come to the right place for information. I'm sure there will be a lot of replies. I'm somewhat of a beginner myself, so keep checking the post for replies. These people are a wonderful source of info. Good Luck!
First of all you are doing a great thing, for this little mini. He needs to go to a home that cares, like you.

They adapt find with the weather, just need somewhere to go into at night.

Not too rich of a pasture.

Takes little to feed.

Shots same as big horses.

Do need feet done about every 6 to 8 weeks.

Dewormed every 2 months, but never use Quest on a mini.

Can still geld him at 2. Can be taught to drive at about 3years old.

Since he is very friendly and does not mind his feet touched. Sounds like he has a good nature.

Wish you the best.
: :saludando:

Good Luck :aktion033: I think you will really enjoy him.
If you have never owned a horse before, get the book "Getting Your First Horse" by Judith Dutson.

Another option is to go to the rescue forum which you can reach from the from page of the forums and see if rescue will take him and place him if you are really not up to having a little horse.
I would add that if you do decide to rescue him please do a complete inspection of your existing barn remembering this guy is small and kinda approximate where his head will be as you walk through; look for any objects that he could hurt himself on. I only had my little guy less than 48 hours when he injured his eye on something in the barn that I failed to check and remove; got him treated and thankfully no permanent injury. Also if you've housed chickens in the barn I think you need to clean it very well; others on here know more about that.

He will need annual vaccinations and a balanced diet; Don't put him on lush grass if he is not use to it; can cause some problems. He is at the age that he will be shedding some baby teeth so don't be alarmed if he goes missing some front teeth;upper and lower; this is normal. Check his teeth regularly and call an equine dentist to do a routine check if you can. A horses teeth are very important to their health as are their feet.

also if you have dogs be careful with the introduction. We read about some very sad dog pack attacks on this forum.

He will bring you hours of enjoyment. Enjoy him. It is a big responsibility and they live a long time; a long time to enjoy him. I think about 20-30 years on average.

God Bless you for considering this and asking questions. Get educated and then make the decision that is right for the little guy.
Well after talking to my local vet...Actually she is my cousin. I know more vets personaly then people. I decided to take him in. I have a freind how is a pilgrim there like amish but not that hard core he is coming over to help set things up. my barn was used to house flying foxes and a black bear for the winter. she just walked in one day when i left the door open and stayed for a winter about a year ago..

Thank you all..any other info will be thankful and when he arrives I will post pics

To answer the dog question..I don't own dogs I take in any kind of pet except dogs or cats there are at least three animal shelters here that just take in cats and dogs they are none kill shelters but there are no shelters within a 400 mile radious that take exotic animals.. I do own a 8 foot aligator but he is barned at the other end of the property he has his own pool barn. really a small underground heated pool..also I have the reptile house built on the only thing i do worrie about are the bears they usallt don't come near the house. but may be a concern I have to figure out a way to keep them away...
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The bears ARE a concern, a forum member lost her mare to a bear a few years ago. Also, since the bear used this barn I'd do all possible to remove the scent of it as it could really upset the mini, I'd clean and bleach EVERYTHING to get the odor out.

I once had some people that were new to minis visit and they couldn't understand why their horses were so nervous, it took a lot of questioning but we finally found out they'd housed/bred wolves in the building they were keeping the horses in! Poor horses!

I'm going to add to be careful of your fencing.

There's been dog attacks reported here recently in past months where the dogs have killed the horses so do beware of predators of any kind. If you have coyotes, keep a spot light up in your barn area. You might even want to get a camera so you can watch from your house. I use field fencing and metal tee posts with picket gates that I made so dogs can't get in. I get it at Lowe's for about $130.00 or so, 330 feet on a roll and that would be plenty big for a nice little pasture for your new guy. You also might want to keep a bell on your gates.

I'd string hot wire around the bottom of it say maybe approx 1 1/2 feet off the ground and then one about half way up to ward off any predators. I also have it knee high on the inside so my horses don't sit in it or smash it up. I have lots of chargers, but most dog chargers work fine.

Watch the handles on your buckets where they connect with the bucket. If they are opened slightly, duck tape them. My friends have lost eye lids and nostrils in those things.

My stalls are 10 X 10. I like that size but with me, the bigger the better because my horses don't go outside in nasty weather. Be sure that your stall walls allow your horse to see out so he doesn't get claustrophobic and feel confined. Give him hay when he's inside his stall to keep him happy and content or he'll get board and eat your barn down.

If you go to my website and click on my barn page, for ideas and you'll see my stalls eventually.......takes a while to load all those pictures on that page. You'll see why.
thank you so much Marty you have been so help ful. The cost isn't a problem and I am always home unless I am showing animals at the local schools. I go about twice a week. I am a stay at home dad..My wife works for a entertainment company here..and no she is not a stripper..
JayD welcome to the forum- well done in your mission, too, it is always good to see people step up to the bat for these little horses.

Of course, you do know you cannot just get one, don't you??.......

As soon as people know you have this guy word will get out and you will be asked to take in another- that will solve the "one horse on it's own" problem, anyway
Hi, JayD --

Welcome here!

It looks like you are getting some good advice and have come to the right place for miniature horse advice.

Like I said before I take in any animal. except for cats and dogs all of our animals are fixed and updated on shots and are microchip. that brings me to another question can mini be microchip just in case I can find a home for him. I do this in case the animal gets injured or abused i can take the animal out of the home. it is part of the adoption agreement that I have the right to take the animal anytime within the animal life if I feel his needs are not being met. And no I don't charge a fee for the adoption it is free I do ask for a donation anything I have adopted thousand dollar animals for a buck..
Your doing a great thing. If you need any assistance with teh little guy just give the rescue forum a holler and we will help all we can........WOW a alligator in Michigan..... :new_shocked:

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