Well-Known Member
It is with a sad heart that I say that I believe the time has come to start finding new homes for my boys.
Anyway.....maybe I could email the pictures to someone here who knows how to resize them and they could post them for me? (just a thought)
I will describe them, though.
Spot: He is about 302 pounds. A paint. He is like "the Fonz". He's way too cool to hurry to do anything. He is the leader. He's very calm and is the one that I always will plop kids on for a quick walk around the yard.
Fluffy: He's black with little white marks right along the top of his back (almost as if someone dripped paint from a brush along the top of his back). He gets very fluffy during the winters (hence his name). He is very bonded with Spot and so they really need to go to the same home because he would really be sad otherwise. They are best buddies. (Spot could care less, actually). Fluffy comes from a show horse family so he can be a tad high strung. But gorgeous...absolutely gorgeous.
Peanut: He appears white in the winter but is actually a paint. It's just that the differences in the colors are subtle. They show up much better in the summer. Every spring when he sheds out I wonder who took my little white horse and replaced him with a paint. LOL He's small (don't ask me how small because I have no idea). He is very calm and friendly. All the kids love him because of his size.
Fudge: Fudge is brown with black leggings and mane. He's pretty darn cute. He'd look fantastic in front of a cart. Got some leg action going on. He is the Harry Houdini of the horse world and will slip a halter faster than you can imagine. Hence he wears a bright pink one so I can find it in the pasture. He is friendly, fairly calm.
Festus: A mini donkey. Honestly, he is the sweetest creature ever put on this earth. When he takes a treat out of my hand, he is so careful....the horses will grad the treat and if they get your finger, too bad so sad, grow another one. Not so Festus. He is, however, quit a character. He will torment the horses to death. He pokes them with sticks, chases them around, once he actually chewed off a hunk of my garden hose and was swinging it around, hitting the horses with it. But, he certainly is entertaining. And not a mean bone in his body. I really love him to death.
All of them are used to people, will come running for treats, and are just all around great pets.
I will GIVE them to an appropriate home. I don't want to make any money on them, I just need to know they will be well cared for. That is really important to me.
We are in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. If you are looking on a map, that's between Greenville, Kentucky and Rosewood, Kentucky.
Honestly, they are just all around great pets. I've never trained them to do anything but I do take them for walks in the neighborhood (except Festus, of course, I never could get him to lead.....guess I'm not a donkey whisperer).
OK, I found pictures of all of them. I'm hoping you guys can help me out here. I think they are wonderful and I'd love to think someone else would find them wonderful, as well.

Anyway.....maybe I could email the pictures to someone here who knows how to resize them and they could post them for me? (just a thought)
I will describe them, though.
Spot: He is about 302 pounds. A paint. He is like "the Fonz". He's way too cool to hurry to do anything. He is the leader. He's very calm and is the one that I always will plop kids on for a quick walk around the yard.
Fluffy: He's black with little white marks right along the top of his back (almost as if someone dripped paint from a brush along the top of his back). He gets very fluffy during the winters (hence his name). He is very bonded with Spot and so they really need to go to the same home because he would really be sad otherwise. They are best buddies. (Spot could care less, actually). Fluffy comes from a show horse family so he can be a tad high strung. But gorgeous...absolutely gorgeous.
Peanut: He appears white in the winter but is actually a paint. It's just that the differences in the colors are subtle. They show up much better in the summer. Every spring when he sheds out I wonder who took my little white horse and replaced him with a paint. LOL He's small (don't ask me how small because I have no idea). He is very calm and friendly. All the kids love him because of his size.
Fudge: Fudge is brown with black leggings and mane. He's pretty darn cute. He'd look fantastic in front of a cart. Got some leg action going on. He is the Harry Houdini of the horse world and will slip a halter faster than you can imagine. Hence he wears a bright pink one so I can find it in the pasture. He is friendly, fairly calm.
Festus: A mini donkey. Honestly, he is the sweetest creature ever put on this earth. When he takes a treat out of my hand, he is so careful....the horses will grad the treat and if they get your finger, too bad so sad, grow another one. Not so Festus. He is, however, quit a character. He will torment the horses to death. He pokes them with sticks, chases them around, once he actually chewed off a hunk of my garden hose and was swinging it around, hitting the horses with it. But, he certainly is entertaining. And not a mean bone in his body. I really love him to death.
All of them are used to people, will come running for treats, and are just all around great pets.
I will GIVE them to an appropriate home. I don't want to make any money on them, I just need to know they will be well cared for. That is really important to me.
We are in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. If you are looking on a map, that's between Greenville, Kentucky and Rosewood, Kentucky.
Honestly, they are just all around great pets. I've never trained them to do anything but I do take them for walks in the neighborhood (except Festus, of course, I never could get him to lead.....guess I'm not a donkey whisperer).
OK, I found pictures of all of them. I'm hoping you guys can help me out here. I think they are wonderful and I'd love to think someone else would find them wonderful, as well.

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