I thought i'd share a story about the friend i lost 6 months ago

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2004
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outside Edmonton
I volunteer with an organization called Hearts and Hooves. We basically rescue minis and the ones who are suitable and enjoy it are used for pet therapy...the ones who are not suitable are found forever homes if possible or stay with us forever if not. All of these horses have a place in my heart but there is one who will always be special to me. His name was Teddy. Teddy and I did a lot together during the short time we knew each other..we were even on t.v. He was a dwarf and the kindest horse i've ever met...unforunately we lost him six months ago and here is his story. This was written by Michelle Kropp.


Teddy joined the Hearts & Hooves family in December of 2006. Teddy’s previous home was a wonderful place where had received lots of love, he came to Hearts & Hooves so he could have a big warm barn to stay in and the best vet care possible for him as his health and his little crippled legs were a concern for him because he was a dwarf. Teddy quickly fit in and was instantly loved by everyone. Teddy did very well here at Hearts & Hooves until about 2 weeks ago after returning from a procedure to fit him with a special shoe to help his legs and hooves. Teddy returned to the farm a little less then happy, we all figured the new shoe was causing him some discomfort so we massaged his legs, soaked his leg, gave him some pain medicine, and made him a soft bed in the barn at night. Teddy wore the shoe for only two days before he got it off, likely by some means of mischief on his part. Once the shoe had come off I expected to see his spirit rise but he became isolated from the others and laid for long periods of time under the big birch tree behind the barn. Dr Carroll came to see Teddy almost everyday for a week; she agreed he was not himself. Dr. Carroll ran blood work which confirmed he was in fact quite ill with infection. We found the source of the infection below his lower teeth and the inside of his jaw. We were hopeful that the penicillin would fix him up, but Teddy’s diarrhea went from bad to worse. We introduced some electrolytes, Pepto Bimol and yogurt in addition to his penicillin. Teddy continued to drop weight and became very dehydrated despite our efforts. Teddy’s diarrhea became so over whelming for him that he began to poop out his large intestines. Dr Carroll came and sutured up Teddy’s bum and we talked about some test results that indicated that Teddy’s kidneys were not working as well as they should and that he had lost so much protein and nutrients from having such awful diarrhea that his body was in a sense eating itself from the inside. Teddy showed more signs of problems as his legs swelled up and his belly started pooling fluid in pockets under the skin. Dr Carroll was wonderful every step of the way giving us several options while presenting how Teddy would likely respond. I was overwhelmed with heart ache and called Teddy’s mom Keylee to talk about what we should do. Keylee came out and spent some time with Teddy, you could see his eyes light up when he saw her walk into the barn. For mine and Teddy’s sake I needed to talk out loud and I sat with him several times over his last few days, and he sat there with his head in my lap or nibbling at the grass while I cried. Teddy always looking at me with his gracious eyes saying “it’s okay”. On Saturday he had gone on to long, when I went to the barn he looked at me and I knew…we both knew. Leslie and I rinsed Teddy down to cool him off and let him gobble up the last of his favorite strawberry yogurt while we waited for Dr Carroll to come. I am so sad to share this with all of you but please know that Teddy is in a place where his legs are straight and he has no pain, the grass is always green and his bed is always soft. Teddy was such a sweetheart; he had such a soft and gentle way about him. His precious little eyes always looking at you, as if to say it was okay no matter what the situation. Teddy made many people smile, brightened hundreds of lives, and brought comfort to people young and old. I know that Teddy had a most blessed life and it was always so full of love. I speak for all of us when I say he will be fondly remembered and sorrowfully missed. Our hearts are all a little bigger for having known him… and our worlds a little less bright now that he is gone.

This is a picture of Teddy and my little brother who also helps out.


Rest in peace teddy we allmiss you.
That is a beautiful tribute to Teddy! I think that everyone who reads it and sees his picture will also love him, and shed some tears. Thank you for sharing him with us and I am so sorry he is no longer with you physically.
What a beautiful tribute to Teddy, he looks like he was loved so much and what a beautiful friendly face, Like you sad he is running with straught legs and in Gods loving arms. He looked like a wonderful little man and he brought so much love to everyone.
Thank you for sharing Teddy's story. What a beautiful and precious little man.

He will live in your hearts forever.

There is just something about these special little creatures that so touches a person's heart.

I know, - I have been owned by a dwarf - I'm sure our little Precious was there at Rainbow Bridge to welcome Teddy.

Hugs to you and know that Teddy will always hold a special place in your heart.
How sweet and sad at the same time. Teddy looked like a doll. So kind in the face and eyes, and huggable. Sorry that you had to decide, but it was for the best. Teddy will ever be greatful.

Teddy's story brought tears to my eyes...

I'm sorry for the loss of Teddy but he couldn't have had a better life than he had and when it became too much to bare his loved ones knew it was time to make him comfortable again, never to be again in pain. He sounds like such a sweetheart and your rescue a wonderful place for those in need.

Aww Dali that was a real tear jerker about Teddy...
For a fairly young person you have so much love compassion and happiness in you for the horses that always seems to shine from you...l can almost feel your saddness and know how hard it can be he was a lucky little guy he had you at the end..
What a sweet little Teddy!! Made me cry reading... Sorry you lost him but he is painfree now and he was lucky to have such good care...

Thanks for sharing such a moving story...
rest in peace Teddy.

My heart goes out to Teddy and your family.

You all will be in our prayers.

He was so so cute.
A great tribute for a beautiful little soul........ Thank you for sharing that.
Sorry to hear about your loss.

He looked like a special little guy with a big heart! Thank you for sharing his story.

Thank you to everyone for your kind words...I will certainly pass them on the to the whole Hearts and Hooves family. We lost Teddy sixth months ago but I still get all teary eyed when I see a picture of his little face. I truly believe that Teddy was here for a reason. Another little story about Teddy...we had a severely absed mare come in already bred. She foaled a handsome colt who we named Cheeko. Cheeko and Teddy were instant friends. Honey passed away when cheeko was still quite young..I can't remember quite how old he was but I think he was just about four months old. Poor little Cheeko was just beside himself but little Teddy became like a second horse mom..or should I say uncle..lol.
I am so sorry for your loss.Dwarf Minis are so very special.My grandaughter and I spent some time with Veronique at Hearts and Hooves in Texas after I donated Chester to the program.Hearts and Hooves is such a wondeful program and Veronique is truly a horse whisperer.Bless you and Teddy for doing such wonderful work.I am sure Teddy knew how much you loved him.
Thankyou for sharing such a beautiful story. The loss of such a wonderful life is heartbreaking. His time was short but he made it count. The little ones are so very special!!

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