Theresa I am so glad that it was not a mini stroke. You sounded a lot better in your last post. But I know only too well what total exhaustion can do to a person, both in mind and body, so try to take some time for yourself and Art, even if it is only to go sit out in the paddock together and just relax for half an hour while watching your little ones.
As mentioned earlier on here Rescue Remedy is wonderful stuff to have around, wouldnt be without it myself, both for me and my animals. Great for any sort of stress, shock, worry etc etc. 4 or 5 drops in a glass of water, sipped throughout the day, helps to keep you on an even keel. 2 or 3 drops on the tongue or rubbed round an animals gums for emergencies, can even be rubbed behind an animal's ears or on it's skin and will help. Many humans and animals about to succum to 'death' from shock after an accident have been saved by Rescue Remedy. It is amazing stuff and quite safe in all circumstances.
I was thinking about Dreamer and just wondering if she has a 'simple' infection from the results of the tubing. I dont feel it is strangles, and I am pretty sure you would have to have seen signs of proper strangles before any one developed brat strangles as this is by and large quite rare. I may be totally wrong here, it is just my opinion. It is just that from what you said about her bleeding from that nostril must surely mean that she had had a 'nick'/open cut somewhere along her windpipe, therefore she was open to a secondary infection to develop?
My prayers are continueing for you and Art, and of course for Dreamer and Miranda, and all your other little ones. You are an inspiration to us all.
God Bless.