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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
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I have heard some about this new registration (or at least I am assuming it is new)... What does anyone know about it -- good, bad.. I am an AMHR member and a KMHC member and always out to join a good group but figured I would like to know more about it before I joined

Thanks for the forum link -- I will check it out

I was already on the IAMHA website but wanted to get some opinions.
We are not, never have been and never intend to be a registry. We are a marketing alliance of several farms. Our purpose is to promote and market miniature horses. Whether they are AMHA, AMHR, or whatever.

We are putting on a really big AMHR/AMHA show in Lufkin, Texas the first week of April. Come on out.

As suggested before the best way to get a feel of what IAMHA is doing is by going to the web site.

As Al B. said we are not now and never will be a registry.

With that said though we will be producing an event Called the Ultimate Event in April of this year that is a sactioned ASPC, AMHR and AMHA show, in addtion there will be a auction of some of the best ASPC/AMHR/AMHA horses from around the country, an avenue of Stars where the show stars present and past will be presented by their owners, a couple of free parties, and some educational seminars also.

There are several things we are doing at the show that are a little different such as the judges explaining their placements during the show to the crowd etc. It should be educational and fun for everyone there.

We have folks coming in from all over the country for the show/sale, even some from Europe. At the show we will be offering over $27,000.00 in prize money and trophies/ribbons in all adivisions.

This is our second year and last year we concentrated on educational venues where we introduced over 450,000 people to the American Minature Horse at venues such as the Ohio Equine Affair, Little Kings and the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. We also instituted our Gelding mentoring program and awrded gelding to kids from a number of states. With the gifting farms being responsible for mentoring the kids in that program for two years.

This year we will be working the marketing side of things with the Ultimate Event, An On-line auction and several other venues thru out the 2008 year with an expanded budget. :DOH!

Hope that answers your questions, if not email me,
John, I sent an inquiry into the website address, please have someone check it out.

I got my yearling gelding from there Gelding Mentoring Program which is really starting this year, and I am SO excited. They are a wonderful group!

Here he is in a very rough clip and ungroomed.. And he still manages to look gorgeous.


I am still on the fence regarding this organization, but will be following it closely.
Not sure what there is to be on the fence about, we are very simply a group of founding and associate members of a miniature horse enthusiast group that is promoting the American Miniature Horse. In the same way that other breeds do and trying to have fun in the process.

By exposing people to miniatures and putting on educational displays, shows, sales and programs such as the gelding mentoring program where a youth is given a gelding free of charge and mentored on feeding, training and showing that gelding for a two year period and then the gelding is tranferred into that youth name free of charge. We feel we can positively impact the Miniature Horse Industry as a whole.

We are not affiliated with either registry, but members of both and support both registries equally. Additionally, we also include Shetlands in some of our activites at the request of some of our associate members.

The goal is very plain and that is to be small enough to do the things we feel we should quickly without a lot of red tape and large enough/committed enough to financially afford to promote the breed as best we can through our programs. We want to be as inclusive as is possible in every activity we promote. Our members both associate and founding come from many backgrounds, some of the largest farms, some of the smallest with only one or two horses, some driving folks, some halter folks. Bottom line a bunch of people from both registries that love the minautre horse and intend to let others know how great they are.

And have fun doing it in the process.
Additionally, we also include Shetlands in some of our activites at the request of some of our associate members.

And we do thank you for that !
Can not wait to get to the Ultimate Event !! It should be a great time.
We are thankful for IAMHA also for sponsoring our daughter Jessie in the gelding mentorship. Jane Macon, Alamo Miniatures was very generous in her gelding to Jessie. Alamos Best of Desire- A darling Sir son. She works with him every day and he is turning into a wonderful boy. (Was alittle full of himself at first). I hope we will be able to participate in some of the activities. They need to bring some UP NORTH

No need to thank me, I thought it was a neat suggestion. One of the shows I enjoyed the most last year was a combination AMHR & AMHA show in San Antonio.

So adding the shetland group of horses and exhibitors to the Show , Sale and Avenue of Stars should make it even more fun for everyone. After all we all love horses no matter what size they are and those durn shetlands are fun to watch.

Last year Cindy and I drove to the Regional show just to get to see a couple of the driving horses we had heard about and we were not disappointed. Even though we did not show any of our horses there it was worth the trip.

See you at the Ultimate Event, by the way there are still a couple of spots left on the sale and Avenue of Stars roster if you want to get Jackie to send some of her Rock E babies or the old man himself I would love to see him.

By the way I just got news that Tuffy is planning on singing in the Ultimate Idol karaoke contest, you have to make sure to sit close so we can hassle him constantly during his PERFORMANCE. LOL

Hey kids, I am so glad to see you enjouying your geldings. I saw your monthly report forms at the office and it looks like you are both in for a big year, good luck.
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Hi John,

Has the premium books been mailed for this show? I haven't seen one in my mail and would like to be on the mailing list.


Karen Shaw
Additionally, we also include Shetlands in some of our activites at the request of some of our associate members.

Now this is something I could support - I like this idea. I have both miniatures and shetlands.
Good Morning,

Thanks to those that directed me to the banner in regards to the IAMHA Ultimate Show, I do have a question after viewing the class list...

Why isn't there any Classic Country Pleasure Driving & Stake or a Classic Roadster & Stake? Looks like you will be missing a lot of class entries from those that might otherwise would have entered.


I was thinking the same thing, there is no modern country pleasure class's either, and no amateur class's in the Modern division....some of these modern driving horses are not open and stake horses, that leaves no where to show them....

have you looked at the class list for a four day show, it is packed. I wish we could have included more classes like you speak of but just did not have the time to do so. We had already booked the faciity for 4 days and then added the classes. Maybe next year if this one is attended well we can add them.

As far as the premium book is concerned they are being produced as we speak and as soon as they are out I will post a message that they are ready for everyone. I saw the trophies for the Champion of Champions, supremes, grands and reserve grands today and they are very different and neat for any horse lovers.
This is an age old issue for Show Managers - you get input from the exhibitors and they tell you want they want, but then they remember after you have sent in your show packets to the registry office they want more.

Always make suggestions please exhibitors, any new suggestions after a class is set to go, will be taken for the next years show.

Just a Thank you!


have you looked at the class list for a four day show, it is packed. I wish we could have included more classes like you speak of but just did not have the time to do so. We had already booked the faciity for 4 days and then added the classes. Maybe next year if this one is attended well we can add them.

As far as the premium book is concerned they are being produced as we speak and as soon as they are out I will post a message that they are ready for everyone. I saw the trophies for the Champion of Champions, supremes, grands and reserve grands today and they are very different and neat for any horse lovers.

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