Yes & I am still steaming over that!!Cathy you must've meant the rest of Obama's relatives here ILLEGALLY and living in GOVERNMENT HOUSING
This about says it all!One (and I definitely have more than one) of my big problems with his aunt being here illegally is that she was ordered to leave 4 years ago. Guess the government has time to tell illegals to leave but can't be bothered to take the time to enforce those orders. Do you suppose our illegal alien problem might be less of a problem if we put some teeth into the laws we already have???
Sorry, Matt... As you know, I feel the only people who should have a real say in OUR election are the citizens of the USA.
Much like Cathy, I don't feel the perspective of the entire world holds the USA's best interest at heart.
Matt, I think you're a great guy but nothing you just said changes how I feel. You are for sure qualified to have an opinion. Absolutely. But only the US citizens are qualified to cast a vote. There are a handful of Canadian members that have been so agressive about pushing their opinions at the American members, starting 2-3-4-5+++ threads a day, it has been pretty annoying for some time now.Sorry, Matt... As you know, I feel the only people who should have a real say in OUR election are the citizens of the USA.
Much like Cathy, I don't feel the perspective of the entire world holds the USA's best interest at heart.
Jill, do you have any idea how much oil your country gets from Canada? We supply much more to the U.S. than any other country. Your country's and my country's economies are very much dependent on each other. Also, I have a sister that lives in Boston and holds dual citizenship. I think I'm very qualified to have an opinion on who gets into power (for the sake of my sister and her family of 4 young women). Of course I'm not voting, but to say that I don't deserve an opinion is offensive. The link to the site was just put here for fun.
There are a handful of Canadian members that have been so agressive about pushing their opinions at the American members, starting 2-3-4-5+++ threads a day, it has been pretty annoying for some time now.
That is reasonable in my opinion. Those American members are the ones who have both a stake and a voice in this election. I don't find anything "odd" about Americans starting topics about our own election.LowriseMinis said:Oddly enough when I logged on, I saw 4 or 5 anti-Obama posts, posted by American members.