If you could have any animal on this earth!

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I have always been an animal lover, and have been fortunate to have had as pets: birds of various kinds(chickens, parakeets, finches, and a parrotlet), rats, mice, guinea pigs, a wooly monkey(when I was a teen,my dad had a feed store for awhile, and with it,a small sideline of exotic pets-hookbills, and the monkey-and I *think* I remember a large iguana once?-most of which I ended up with, at least for a time-used to put a diaper(BEFORE disposables-the diapers had tail holes!)on the monkey, and take him into our tiny neighborhood grocery and sundries store-so you know that was LONG ago! Monkeys can be pretty nasty(as in dirty habits) little critters, that, I remember....) I have had cats, though I can take or leave cats. I love dogs, and of course, number one is and always has been, horses.

I used to 'covet' lots of kinds of animals, but have become more realistic about what kind of care would be required--so nowadays, not so much. If money and competent help were no object, though, I would have LOTS of different ones! I especially think that those tiny little deer are adorable(can't recall their exact name.) Also love koalas-and would still like a tiny variety of monkey(nowadays, 'owning' a monkey is not allowed in some places, I don't believe, though.) I actually wouldn't mind a nice snake....

Me? I would die to have my goats back.
Me? I would die to have my goats back.
What happened to your goats? :new_shocked: man I must have missed something somewhere.

I always wanted my own private small zoo/menagerie.................I love the cats, and maybe someday I will have a set up and situation to take in a cerval or ocelot. We had a monkey when I was little and I do not recommend them unless you have spent some serious time working with them in a zoo or captive program...they are furry humans with bad manners :bgrin ours ended up being rehomed as it wasn't happy and put my dad in the hospital. My mom grew up visiting Clarence the blind lion his owners were family friends. We also had an ocelot when I was very little and again not an easy animal to live with.

I have had and raised birds, lived with chinchillas, ferrets drive me batty, farm I worked on had a camel and they do rquire very specialized care, I was friends with the curator of the reptile house at woodland park zoo, my favorite creature has to be fruit bats/flying foxes and I will own one someday
: my son has his pot pig and the other thing he wants is flamingo's :bgrin

Wild animals will always be wild animals they are not pets and have to be treated differently than a domesticated animal.

For great info talk to Ashley she has an amazing amount of knowledge on exotics

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