I have always been an animal lover, and have been fortunate to have had as pets: birds of various kinds(chickens, parakeets, finches, and a parrotlet), rats, mice, guinea pigs, a wooly monkey(when I was a teen,my dad had a feed store for awhile, and with it,a small sideline of exotic pets-hookbills, and the monkey-and I *think* I remember a large iguana once?-most of which I ended up with, at least for a time-used to put a diaper(BEFORE disposables-the diapers had tail holes!)on the monkey, and take him into our tiny neighborhood grocery and sundries store-so you know that was LONG ago! Monkeys can be pretty nasty(as in dirty habits) little critters, that, I remember....) I have had cats, though I can take or leave cats. I love dogs, and of course, number one is and always has been, horses.
I used to 'covet' lots of kinds of animals, but have become more realistic about what kind of care would be required--so nowadays, not so much. If money and competent help were no object, though, I would have LOTS of different ones! I especially think that those tiny little deer are adorable(can't recall their exact name.) Also love koalas-and would still like a tiny variety of monkey(nowadays, 'owning' a monkey is not allowed in some places, I don't believe, though.) I actually wouldn't mind a nice snake....
I used to 'covet' lots of kinds of animals, but have become more realistic about what kind of care would be required--so nowadays, not so much. If money and competent help were no object, though, I would have LOTS of different ones! I especially think that those tiny little deer are adorable(can't recall their exact name.) Also love koalas-and would still like a tiny variety of monkey(nowadays, 'owning' a monkey is not allowed in some places, I don't believe, though.) I actually wouldn't mind a nice snake....