If you could own any forum members horse, who would you pick

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wow there are so many special horses owned by forum members that I would love to own but a few I have especially admired are Reo's Lotto, Sheryl's Jinx, Amy's Alladin, Leanna's Kitty, Jill's Bacardi and Matt's Royal (love those buckskins). If I were to pick one horse though I think it would be the appy filly I saw in Ohio at Area 2 Nationals, her name was Diva and she does belong to a forum member but I can't remember who and I can't remember the other part of her name but she is drop down gorgeous.
I think you are refering to one of the fillys that Pam owns, Coventry Lane Farm in PA
wow there are so many special horses owned by forum members that I would love to own but a few I have especially admired are Reo's Lotto, Sheryl's Jinx, Amy's Alladin, Leanna's Kitty, Jill's Bacardi and Matt's Royal (love those buckskins). If I were to pick one horse though I think it would be the appy filly I saw in Ohio at Area 2 Nationals, her name was Diva and she does belong to a forum member but I can't remember who and I can't remember the other part of her name but she is drop down gorgeous.
I think you are refering to one of the fillys that Pam owns, Coventry Lane Farm in PA
yes that was the name, I love her. Thanks Leeanna
Thanks for mentioning a couple of my boys, Little Kings Junior Jinx
and Little Kings B T Buck Bandito

Jinx is just a love bug and a true joy to be around. He is one of my favorites for sure.

Heres an older picture of the boy taken a couple of years ago when we were playing in the creek.


And Bandito
, he has only been here for a couple of months but he has quickly become another favorite. He is a talker and he greets me every morning and again in the evening when its time to be put up. He just makes me smile.


I can't thank Erica enough for either one of these two boys. I feel very blessed to be able to call both of them mine.
I can't begin to tell you how many forum members have horses I would love to look out my window out.

Lee is one of my favorites, easy on the eyes and an awesome attitude.

But I won't fight for him as that will never happen, I just remain happy with his kids who are here and I so love them.



And the newest,,,Phantom


Both whom are National Top 3 horses,,,,Phantom a Reserve National Champion.

So that may be why I would argue for him,,,,,,,,,he produces in my opinion, about the best.

But I like Prince too.
I would probably need a plane to carry all the horses I like to Ireland but here are just a few that spring to mind

Caldwells Fashion Paige

Ericas Echos of My Destiny

Cross Country Wild Heart

and finally Wall Street Rock E Lizze

I like the Bay Prince too and have a friend who has a stallion that looks really like him and he is stunning.
hmmm. Thats hard. Rain is truthfully my dream mini but.. I'd think I would have to say

Kristina's Gelding SRF Hot Topic and her mare Buck Ons Hot Gossip.
Thanks for choosing Pyro, mydaddysjag! He needs a good, appreciative (not that we don't appreciate him, he just demands lots and lots of time!) home and he is really a sweet boy. Can't wait to see how he has filled out this Spring when he gets clipped.

Hhhhmmm...this is a tough one, and I don't remember her owner's name, but I loooovve little Semi. She's not my type as far as size goes, but she is amazing to look at and that's just why I'd love to have her in my pasture.

Otherwise, I'd guess I would choose my own Gramma Pony if that could happen. Still missing the Grammy and her funny nickers.

Liz M.
Hi Liz,

Semi is mine,, Sandy... Thanks, I love her, She's a pip!
) Nice compliment coming from you

considering I LOVE what you are producing out there on the west coast!

Actually,, I just finished getting the trailer ready for a road trip tomorrow.... It's been 3 1/2 years....

but I bought a new horse and am picking her up tomorrow! Semi's weanling baby sister!

I am So excited. don't know if I'll sleep tonight!


opp's forgot to add my WISH horse.

There are so many... Prince, of course... unbelieveable

I love to own Reece's Grosshills Undisputed Creation, beautiful animal, Holy Cow

Limestone's Billy Idol

First Knights Lord of the Ring

and don't know her full name.. Alliance's Dust Me Off Gorgeous mare

Can't forget my all time favorite.. Erica's Knock My Socks Off DROOL.....................
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Well........................ This week it is this horse!

Cross Country Sharp Dressed Man presently owned by Becky at Redrock. I just love this stallion. He is so darned gorgeous!

I also really love Robin's stallion Lotto - I have drooled over him for a very long time.

I have many many more that I really love alot, but it would take up too much room here!
I agree! He is awesome!
Oh gee, thanks guys!
CC Sharp Dressed Man is a very handsome boy.
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One particular horse pops into my mind: T-BONE from TIMBERVIEW (OR IS IT TIMBER RIDGE?)FARM

He is an awesome looking horse with fabulous markings!!
Without a doubt..... Erica's boy, Taker.
I love that "white" Shetland. I believe his name is Frank? He definitely is one that makes me drool
ahhhh thanks everyone who posted about our horses. Im so touched I was just reading on here and got to read several of our horses names. That is sooo cool!!! Thanks again,

I have many horses I would like to chose, as there are so many outstanding individuals owned by forum members. But if I to chose one, I think Im going to chose First Knights Dream Come True of Heathers from Mulligans Run. I just love what he is producing wow!
OMG!!!! How could you ever decide??????

Mine would be a toss up between Kay's "Feature Attraction" and Carin's "Happy Hooligan OK". I LOVE a black pinto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have threatened, I mean, offered to take them both!!!!!
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This is a really hard question!
There are so many gorgeous horses owned by forum members that it's just too much to choose one. But I guess if I HAD to make it just one it would be Brenda Sellwood's Calvin.
He is TRULY the perfect horse in miniature! So refined, so stretchy, so balanced. I'm in love!! I know she'll never part with him, so I can only hope that one day Ravey can go visit Calvin some spring.

OK, one more...Monette Freeman's mare AF Gold Charm. That mare is priceless if you're someone like me who really loves the GMB look. Another one I'll never own. Mo's turned down huge offers on her and I don't blame her.
If she were mine, I'd keep her also.

Ok, and then there's Prince.

And Lisa Strass has a stallion that Belinda showed this year that is breath-taking!
Dang, can't think of his name off the top of my head, but I'd sure know him if he was standing in front of me!!

oh boy this is to hard!!
Parmelas Captive Spirit and Corona

Theres to many to choose from!! haha
Thank you for mentioning Spirit and Corona.
They are two of my favorites also. Both very easy to handle and very loving toward their humans.
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In all honesty, I am fond of this boy below, Tibbs Rapid Transit ~ a silver bay stallion ~ but then I own him so I'm happy!


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