Well, all growing up I thought Jayne was a horrible name and couldn't believe my mom would saddle me with such a thing. I guess there was a big disagreement over what name to name me (Jennifer? Stephanie?) that when my mom had a moment alone in the hospital she told them to just write down "Jane". At least someone stuck a Y in there (during the whole Jayne Mansfield era) to make it a bit more interesting. I am totally fine with Jayne now. I was born and grew up in the midwest where there are a lot more Jayne's/Jane's than here on the west coast. I rarely run into another one now.
My mother, however, absolutely expected me to be a boy, and the whole time I was en utero I was Charles Robert. To this day, 50 years later, my mom still calls me Charlie, except when I'm in trouble, of course, then out comes the Jayne Ellyn!!