If you have purchased on AMHR reg. app

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This is what the American Dairy Goat Association does. You do not have to be a member to register goats but if you are doing more than a couple it is cheaper to be a member and get the reduced fees

What about a higher fee to register these horses who breeders / sellers do not have a membership - No, I do not think it is right that WE would have to pay the membership for the other person but if a higher fee was charged to Register the horse, then the buyer can decide if it is worth it (I think most would decide that it was worth it). I'm not talking an outrageous amount of $.
Of course I know it is just NOT that simple ....
I think part of the problem (as a total side note) about using the Journal as our offical news site is that the distributing date does not always coincide with when we need it for offical news.

I to would have to wonder about the web site I go there a lot and see some changes but it is not as up to date as it needs to be.

Even in the member area I see old info like in the litigation case most of that info is from 2004
I will say the AMHR did at least at my request send the magazine to me at my request when I had to pay for someone elses member ship because the person I paid for didn't have any other horses.

So I could give them to perspective buyers.
You do also have to remember that there are still people that don't have home computers, and so no internet access, and so cannot go to the website for info. The registry still has to get info to those people, and so the Journal or some other mailed newsletter is the only way to accomplish that.

I honestly don't see why there is a problem in offering a non-member fee schedule. I also don't see why a buyer cannot register a foal based on his/her own membership rather than that of the breeder...a membership is a membership and by forcing the buyer to pay for a membership for the seller the registry is likely to lose out on the registration fee completely. Would the registry not be further ahead to take the registration fee based on the buyer's membership rather than lose out on that registration fee completely??? No doubt some people will pay that extra membership fee to get their horse registered, but there are surely quite a number that won't pay it & those horses will never be registered. In the long run, which way will give more $$$$ to the registry?
In the past only the buyer needed to be a member or would pay a non member fee to get a horse transfered. Think AMHR better revisit their rules or a lot of people are just not going to transfer their horses.

Is why I dropped out of AMHA, to many stupid and unfair fees.

Say... if you have to skip a year because your DH is unemployed (you are not a member for that year, do no transaction, get no magazine and you tell them why you are dropping said membership for that year and why), you get punished by AMHA by being charged a late fee, when things get better and you want to join again a year later. That is wrong on so many levels.

Now AMHR joins the ranks of the stupid...

Dishonest... greedy....
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You know, I would think that if the person registering the horse is a current member, never mind what ever happened before that. What if the breeder went out of business and just sold them all with applications and doesnt want to renew their membership another year... they are 'out of the horse business'?!

That kind of stinks that someone registering a horse is paying their own dues and someone else's just to register their horse. That is not fair to the buyer if their own membership is current. Why is it necessary that the breeder still be a member? They no longer own the horse........
That is exactly how my situation was but what was bad is she was a member in2008 when the foals were born and I bought them the end of Dec but by the time I got photos and everything ready to send in jan her membership exp.

I think as long as the person sending in the paper is a current member that should be fine. Like with a transfer.
Now AMHR joins the ranks of the stupid...
Dishonest... greedy....
[SIZE=12pt]WoW !! I hate to see such bashing going on !! As Lewella said in the first post THIS IS GOING TO BE DISCUSSED AT THE BOARD MEETING !! Gosh some of you will not even let a Registry try and fix things before you turn on them like a biting dog !! Sorry if that is a little harsh , but we are talking about something that has been a RULE FOR YEARS !!! I think the reason there is such a problem now more than before is the economy ,and more people are not renewing memberships if they are not active.. Just my thoughts.. [/SIZE]

I know we can fix this as several of the board members have already discuss some ways to fix it .. So if everyone will let their Directors work for them I think things will be good...

I really think that saying AMHR is stupid , dshonest and greedy is way out of line !!! Also just my thoughts !!
if that is a little harsh , but we are talking about something that has been a RULE FOR YEARS !!!
Please, SHOW ME WHERE this rule is written?? I've looked on all the forms, in the rulebook, and on the website. I am more than happy to play by the rules- but I gotta know WHAT the rules ARE!

Not bashing but stating an opinion. If someone at the registry didn't start something not so smart, there won't be upset people or anything to fix. Just saying..................

Am like Lucy , I have never once seen that in the rule books. And in years past... I did look with a fine tooth comb.
I think they had sent out notices sometime back when they were going to do this to warn people that this was going to happen, but I could be wrong, or it could have been one of those this will take in affect now type things. Like Belinda has said this has been going on for couple years now, and with the economy going bad people are noticing. Membership is too pricey IMO, but yet again this is my opinion
In this economy everyone is tightening their belts just to stay alive financially. Look around, there are incentives everywhere to generate income. I think the registries need to be a little more user friendly or they are going to be the big losers. For the most part, horses are a luxury, not a necessity. Having people to buy the product, even in these hard times, they shouldn't make it difficult to register horses. Now is not the time to take a stand with the people that support their business, and that is exactly what the registries are, a business.

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