Reignmaker Miniatures
Well-Known Member
My adrenaline is pumping and I'm feeling very stressed and sick from a call I just received. It showed on my call display as Private Caller and when I answered the phone the person on the other end said Hi Gramma, well since I have no grandkids yet I told the caller they had the wrong number. Then they quickly changed to "Oh, sorry, Aunt Lori". I said yes, hello? And they said "do you know who this is?" I answered no so they said "Who's your favourite nephew?" Since I had no idea who I was talking to I guessed a name half laughing since I was pretty sure it wasn't that nephew. They said "Yes, I'm in trouble, I need help Aunt Lori." What kind of trouble? "I've been arrested on a DUI (Driving under the influence or while intoxicated - not sure of the correct wording for the acronym) and I need $2100. The judge is going to let me go without any black marks but I need to pay the guy who's rental car I hit for the damages first. Then because I was co-operative and clear/coherent I will get my licence back and be released and it will be like it never happened!" He was crying at this point and I could not be sure of the voice at all. He insisted I not tell anyone, he was embarrassed and would tell his Mom when he had dealt with it all. Please please don't tell anyone! Can I call your cell and confirm its you I asked, "No, they have my phone and all my stuff, I can't get that back until I'm released." OK I said what can I do to help. I'll get the lawyer to call you he says, in 5 minutes. So I get a call from someone claiming to be a lawyer. The money total is really $2435.00 and I will need to send it by Western Union to Montreal (other side of the country) no street address just a name. He talked really fast. I asked him, what is your office number? He answered "why?" I said I need to confirm its not a scam. He said well, I have no staff in the office they are out on Christmas vacation. OK I said what about a website? We are Steinberg and Co out of Vancouver he told me. So I did a search and could find no website confirming the existence of such al lawyers office, plus my nephew lives in Kelowna not Vancouver so what would a Vancouver lawyer be doing representing someone in Kelowna. Also as far as I know (haven't been arrested personally but...) you will not see a judge the morning after you are arrested and also they will charge you and release you most often not hold you unless you are belligerent or something. Anyway, I've got alarm bells going off all over the place because I can't confirm this is legit so I call the local RCMP detachment and they say I'm pretty sure you are dealing with a scam here. Nothing adds up to the real world, if you are taken into custody on a DUI they will not sweep it under the rug for you if you pay for damages (RCMP take DUI pretty darn seriously here). But I said, "I hate to leave my nephew hung out to dry if it really was him" even tho it really doesn't add up too well for me at all. The officer I spoke to suggested I call the Kelowna RCMP and see if I could confirm any of the facts I had been told about a crash or dui arrest. So I did that and of course the officer at that detachment assured me it was a scam for sure altho she could not give me much information due to privacy issues. So they are supposed to be calling again in about 20 minutes and I have decided that I can not send any money to unknown names at unknown addresses when I can't confirm a darn thing and my gut is telling me its a scam. Why then do I feel so upset about abandoning my nephew (who should da** well not be driving after drinking anyway) when I don't even believe it IS my nephew. Crap, I hate these people! If I weren't so cynical I would have taken them at their word and sent the $. I wonder how many people will fall for their line.
Thanks for letting me vent, I feel better having put it down.