I'm home, I'm home

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Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2005
Reaction score
South Central, KY
Ok, so I'm not home for good, but I got to come home yesterday afternoon after my second treatment of the day and I don't have to go back until tomorrow afternoon. Walked in to a MOUNTAIN of laundry....duh. Hubby broke the bush hog while I was gone....duh. House was not nearly as clean as I left it....duh. But I was thrilled anyway!!!

I no longer have a garden hose hanging out of my ****. Now it's more like jumper cables. So if anyone's car needs a jump start, just let me know. We've got six wires to choose from. The treatments aren't bad at all. The radioactive pellet goes in one of the wires, it gets pulled out by a little droid that looks a lot like R2D2 from Star Wars, and then you're done. They take plenty of x-rays prior to each treatment to make sure the device is in the right place. The worst part (other than being so far from home) is that the temperature at the facility is like 40 degrees and you've got nothing on from the waist up. Let me just say that "the girls" are at attention at all times!

And, of course, there are other ladies going thru exactly the same thing so we all bond and show each other the location of our devices. So far, mine has the absolute worst placement. The wires stick out and go over my shoulder and poke out past my shoulder. Looks like I have on one mighty big shoulder pad. Everyone else's comes out the bottom and they wrap it around their chest under their bra. Sigh. I have shoulder like a linebacker anyway, I don't need any help in that direction.

All in all, I'm pleased with my treatment. I spoke with the oncologist and asked him how many women have come back because of a recurrence of this cancer. He said it was less than 1%. Man, I really like those odds.

All the nurses want to see pictures of the horses and the donkey so I'll be out there today with my trusty camera and I'll print out some pictures and bring them with me for the Monday morning treatment. They have never seen a miniature horse and simply cannot imagine how small they are. I'll stand next to them so they can get an idea of scale.

So that's all I have to report. I'm on my fifth load of clothes since yesterday at 6:00 pm. LOL. I'm going to cook a home cooked meal tonight. First one for hubby and I in a week. I'm actually not hungry....ever. I think that's one of the side effects? No appetite? But cottage cheese and mandarin oranges sounds really, really good right about now.

Walking from the Hope Lodge to the hospital has turned out to be a lovely 1/2 mile walk. I was concerned that maybe it would be in a bad neighborhood, but it's all hospital or doctor offices so it's not bad. The worst part, actually, is crossing the very busy 6 lane road right in front of the lodge. Although I go down to the cross walk each time and wait for the light, the cars completely disregard me and sometimes I literally have to jump out of the way. At least I'm right next to a hospital so the response time should be quick. LOL

That's all I have to report. I'm happy to be home and can't wait for all this to be done. I'm exhausted and plan on laying around watching tv this weekend until it's time to go back to Nashville. Hubby said the house was too quiet when I was gone. Funny thing, he complains that I talk too much when I'm here so maybe he likes it but just doesn't want to admit it????
awwww , sweet sharing, thanks. Glad you are doing great. I was thinking of you and logged on this morning and was thrilled to see your post. take care and bless you for sharing with us. Have some icecream and don't worry about the laundry.
I'm glad to hear you are doing okay!
I love to hear how "upbeat" you sound in your posts! That's half the battle there! Continued best wishes!
I'm so glad to hear from you! Your sense of humor that I love so much is out in force!

I imagined seeing you crossing the 6 lanes in front of the hospital like a game of frogger. You be careful!

Don't be fooled, your hubby missed you like mad

so good to hear from you! your wonderful upbeat attitude is such a breath of fresh air. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers.

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