Image is resolving her twin issue..,,!!!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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[SIZE=14pt]My mare that was so hard to get pregnant for the past few years and then was pregnant with a twin pregnancy this year seems to be resolving this on her own.... Cheryl sent an ultrasound pic showing that one is larger and one now appears to be going away.... Im happy I guess but will always wonder especially if the remaining baby is a colt if the one that left was a filly...... [/SIZE]

I really am thankful though that she is staying pregnant so far we are now at 45 daus and counting.
I cant wait till she can come home. she has been gone since MAY!

I'm happy that Image appears to be moving into a healthier situation by the means of mother nature. I also find this so fascinating and informative...please be sure to share anything else you and your vet learn from all of this.
Hi Lyn

I am glad that this issue is resolving on it's own.

A word of caution - check the placenta very carefully after she foals. As on Remington we found an extra set of hooves in her placenta and the vet feels this may be part of the reason she died a couple of days later from a prolapsed uterus. When we found the hooves we thought nothing of it - and had figured that LUcas was one of a twin. We had informed the vet of this and he had said that he probably was a twin and the other one had been absorbed. Anyway didn't think it would create havoc, which it did. What we probably should have done was had her flushed afterwards but didn't as the vet said this wasn't all that uncommon for a mare to do this.

Anyway just thought I'd let you know - as we didn't know Remington was carrying twins until after she foaled and we found the set of immature hooves in the placenta. For the most part she had absorbed the other one completely.
[SIZE=14pt]Vicky how big were the hooves???? I will remember that and have her looked at right away... Wonder if that is something Cheryl can check on ahead of time.[/SIZE]

The hooves were tiny but noticeable - they were white and immature - looked like a front set of hooves. This was the first time we had ever seen anything like this in a placenta. My husband had picked it up and was looking at it and called me over right away. We were really surprised to see or find anything like this. So we made the phone call to the vet - just wish I would have pushed doing something more than taking his word that this wasn't that uncommon. Maybe it isn't that uncommon but feel like we should have flushed her and maybe put her on antibiotics - who knows if this would have helped or not - something I will never know. And maybe for the most part most mares do ok without having anything done. But just wanted to inform you of what happened to us - like I said don't know if doing something more with Remington would have saved her or not but if put in the same situation again - I sure would push the vet into flushing just to make sure there wasn't some kind of infection inside.

I hope Image does fine though her pregnancy and does a great job foaling for you.
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Is your vet going to have you put your mare on Regumate to sustain the pregnancy for the first 90 days? This is typically what we have done after having a twin pinched to ensure the survival of the remaining twin until attachment to the uterine wall. Good luck.
[SIZE=14pt]Yes this mare will stay on regumate until foaling. Her previous foals were regumate babies I understand so she will stay on it. The other 3 foals she has had she carried while she was being shown so she stayed on it then and now may need it all the time.[/SIZE]

A friend of ours found an extra skull after her mare foaled. She had a healthy little welsh pony colt, and when they examined the placenta, they found a small skull. The vet figured it was a twin that was incompletely re-absorbed. The mare is fine, with no ill effects, and is confirmed in foal (in only one!) for 2006. I find mother nature so interesting!!!
[SIZE=14pt]Wow It would seem that there are more instances of initial twining than I ever thought![/SIZE]


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