I have read all the threads on this subject and have to wonder whether the people doing the most complaining even show AMHA. If you don't show, this really should not matter to you since your AMHA horse will still be legal.
Well Rick, I guess I would have to consider myself one of those "people doing the most complaining", and I must say, I am HIGHLY OFFENDED by that statement!!
If you have been around that many years, and have been involved in AMHA that many years, then you should KNOW by now that it matters not whether a person shows their horses, breeds them or just owns them to love! WHERE is it written that only people that SHOW AMHA have the right to complain, whether it be loud or a little! It's statements like this that make people feel that AMHA members are SNOBS and/or elitists! That statement just disgusts me!
So according to your thoughts, anyone that owns AMHA registered horses that measure over 34" that they do not plan to show, it is OK to be dishonest and cheat just because they are not standing in the show ring being measured!!! I just cannot believe you said that!! No wonder there is so much CHEATING going on IN the rings today!!