Active Member
PS controversial subjects are ALWAYS very heated...get used to it... you have strong opinions, and my guess is, the back bone to say what is on your mind. I'd venture to say that you probably always will...just be prepared for the back lash of opponents, and start thinking before speaking. It will come with maturity, as you get better at this!manyhorses said:Oh My, Young One.. That is not at ALL meant to be condesending... IF we could save them all, WHERE in the world would you put them all???? 65-70,000 horses per year, just here in the USA, (we won't count the one's that cross the border)....times by what??? lets's just say 10 years....700,000 WHO wil pay for their care and upkeep?? Medical bills as they get older?? What do YOU do with the carcasses, when they are put donw humanely?? many states, and towns now have laws against the burial of animals in anywhere but landfills, or you see what I'm getting at?? It's not just about "save the horses from slaughter"...but what do WE do with all of them?? and who foots the cost?? and what about all the people that HAVE good intentions on saving these animals, but don't know how to care for them?? so they end up starved, abused, the list goes on, and on....we would all like to see a solution to this..but it's not just cut and dried. A slaughter house and a rendering plant are NOT the same thing, A rendering plant can use the same method (captive bolt) but I would dare say that because the horse is in a less stressful situation the captive bolt does it's job the first time....not 3-4 like you see in the slaughter house video's (and to whom it may concern there IS more then one video of this, but the major one was helped to be produced by a Dr. at MSU) problem with some horse owner's is that the rendering plants are far and few between. So that leaves them with slim options to dispose of the horse, if it must be put down. Some of us are fourtunate still to live in areas where we CAN have our horses euthanised at home, and buried in the backyard (I Have 4 in mineNew_Image said:I dont care about the cows in Hindu, lucky them they get a long and happy life, I am talking about the horses in America.Â![]()
I have to agree with Coco - how many people do you see ridden there cows in shows? Or driving there pigs in carts? Or taking there chicken for a walk?
Horses carried man threw history, they deserve more then to be torchered on the way to a slaughter house, ripped apart and used for food.
Is this the same forum that was all upset because some one stuffed there mini horse foal? Might I ask the difference in sending that foal to a slaughter house to be used as food or to keep her body in the corner of the living room? I remember every one of you thought it was sick, wrong, nasty and the filly should have been laid in the ground and burried - but you mean to tell me it would have been better for her to be torn apart? Im missing something here. Wheres the difference? I think you all change your minds like underwear and just go with the flow on different things for lack of conflict![]()
Any how, dead horses, yes go ahead and slaughter them if you wish, but why go to a action and buy a perfectly healthy horse who could be used for ridding and change some ones life - why kill it? If any one hasnt noticed America isnt exactly lacking on food, in fact 90% of the americans could stand a little less meat and a diet.
OK and even if it were ok to kill a horse, which there is a great over population some do need to go, your all ok with the fact that some slaughter houses dont KILL the animal before hanging it upsidown and pulling it apart? Might I add that is after a long trip pack together like a sandwich, not fed for days and days, half of them die on the way there.
Pretty said your all in a up roar that some one stuffed there foal but its ok for healthy horses to be torn apart before they are dead all for food that we dont need.
)... but what are the rest of the horse people to do that don't have the you see the larger picture here?? You can check my other posts..I have been trying to come up with options and submit them to the proper people...there is a group with the AAEP (american association equine practitioners) that are trying to come up with more viable ways to end the slaughter/suffering of horses. There are several groups like that..."Canter" is another one worth checking out...![]()