It's up to you and whatever company you can find, but my guess is that for that dollar amount, you won't find it beneficial or financially a sound decision. My experience, with horse insurance, not dog, is the same as Jill's. Pretty much, a value under 4 or 5k and they don't want the overhead of maintaining a policy. I only insure two horses currently and my insurance bill was $1300 this year. Maybe dogs is different? My friend breeds and sells (sometimes) Havanese. She owned Buster (probably best know male Havanese in the last 10 or so years) until he death last year. Her pups sell from $2500 to $5k, but I don't recall her ever talking about insurance, even for her overseas clients. Maybe it's just a different mindset in dogs. Good luck in your search and maybe come back and tell us what you find. we'll all learn something!