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Little Wolf Ranch

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2008
Reaction score
Roebuck, SC

My name is Katie Guinn and I am introducing myself onto the forum! I am by no means new to Lil Beginnings - I have been using it for the past 5 years! I am married to my high school sweetheart and we run and operate JNK Ranch & Rabbitry! We are going to be starting our breeding program in 2009 with our Miniatures - however we have been breeding/showing/raising purebred Mini Rex rabbits since Spring of 2008 and have already won one Best of Breed! Anyways. . .getting back to horses. . .we are currently located on my fathers land in the Upstate of South Carolina. 

As of right now, we currently have 5 miniature horses. . . 

  • "Josiah One" - 34.00" 2005 model AMHR bay minimal tobiano stallion - goes back to Hobby Horse, Dell Tera and Shadowood bloodlines. "Sampson" was my first miniature horse and he was the reason I wanted to go into breeding and showing miniatures! 
  • "TVF's Can't Deny Beauty" - should mature approx. 32-33.00" 2008 model AMHR black maximum tovero filly with TWO BLUE EYES - goes back to Cottontail, Equinox, and Stout bloodlines. "Alula" is a striking mare that we are hoping will throw some gorgeously marked foals for us. She is a bit shy, but always warms up to someone who brings her treats.
  • "TVF's (pending)" - should mature approx. 31-21" 2008 model AMHR dun maximum overo colt with TWO BLUE EYES - sired by Cadillac Kings Jack and has numerous "loud" pintos in his pedigree. "Azul" is my love bug of the farm - always the "up-your-butt" kind of horse! We are excited to see what he produces for us and we are hoping that he passes on his HUGE trot with lots of tail-flagging action! 
  • "Fallen Ash Farm Mai Tai Black Affair" - 32" 2005 model AMHA solid black mare **possibly in foal to "Grandstand" for spring 2009 foal** - "Affair" will be arriving at our farm in Feb./March and we cannot wait to get her home! We are very excited to add another mare and hopefully she is pregnant and carrying a filly - which would be a keeper!
  • "(haven't gotten papers yet) Grandstand" - 30" 2005 model AMHA solid mahogany bay stallion - goes back to Buckeroo lineage and is GRANDSON of Boones Little Buckeroo - "Grand" is my first horse of Buckeroo lineage and I am hoping to find a heavily bred Buckeroo mare to pair with this boy one day as this boy has the buckeroo look!
And we also have 2 riding horses. . . 

  • "Pistol" - 15.1hh 1997 model grade solid Palomino Quarter Horse gelding - rides english and western and was my very first horse, ever. He will always have a permenant home with me!
  • "Koda" - 14.1hh 2006 model grade Buckskin Dun w/ dorsal stripe Spotted Saddle Horse stallion - rides western and is my reining prospect due to his althletic possibility
I am very excited to start creating and molding my MH herd for great halter and performance horses. I know I am going to make some great friends on here and I can't wait to meet you!
Welcome, Katie, from Florida!
Welcome Katie!!!
From North Carolina.

We have quite a few friends in South Carolina. If you haven't met them

yet , we can hook you up. Our first show of the year in this area

will be in Williamston, NC in April. I hope you can join us for the

East Coast Spring Fling. Looking forward to meeting you very soon.

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hey there from chapin

you do know there is a show that is in ashville nc on July 2 -5

which will be a 4 day show 2 days R and 2 days A

this is a FUN show to attend and a good club to join....

if you need any info on the show contact Dixi Cohea at 636 290 6258

the dates for this show is July 2 -5
Thanks guys for such a warm welcome!

I will probably wait until spring for pictures of my herd. . . .they all look like miniature mammoths and pictures wouldn't do them justice! I will be clipping this spring - so you'll get to see pics then!! 

I may show this year. . .then again I may not. I'm in college right now and don't have much play money! I wish I could, but you know how things go. I am hoping to go into in-hand jumping and in-hand trail classes as I'm not too much into halter. . .simply because I can't stand still for long, always have to be moving!
Welcome Katie,

Wishing you much success with your breeding program. Sounds like you have mapped out your road now just getting it into play.

There are some VERY NICE folks in South Carolina and I am sure you will meet some wonderful people both here and in the Miniature Horse World in general.


Janice Silvio

Amore' Miniatures

Currently Michigan / Moving to Kentucky in spring 2009
Welcome to the forum Katie. Look forward to seeing your guys in the spring. Joyce
Welcome from Toronto, Ontario!!!
Good luck with your breeding program. Please put up pics in the spring, we all like pictures.
Welcome from the mountains in Northern Georgia!
Another Hello from Tennessee!!

I bought a chocolate Mini rex rabbit at our county fair nearly ten years ago (April 1999) and she is still kicking her heals. She was gonna be a show bunny as she has an ear tattoo but she was too small, so I bought her. She was the very first pet for hubby and me and has her own bedroom to play in and love to hide IN the couch, from the bottom.

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