Well-Known Member
Please take a minute to introduce yourself and tell us a little about your love of books. I'll go first...
Hi, my name is Sara and I have a reading problem.
I am obsessed with books! I currently have close to (if not just over) 800 books. I guess I could officially be classified as a 'book hoarder'.
I am the moderator of this subforum, and am always up for suggestions to make this place even better. I hope to someday add games and contests, if I can ever figure out the best way to do that. My book preferrences vary (depending on my mood), but I tend to enjoy Young Adult Paranormal Romance the most right now. Any given week, I can read anywhere from 1-5 books.
When I'm not reading, I love to spend time with with my fur-kids (lots of cats, 4 dogs, 2 mini horses, 4 chickens, and a green iguana). Oh yeah, my hubby seems to take up alot of my time also. Lol. I live in Southern California, on five acres.
Hi, my name is Sara and I have a reading problem.
When I'm not reading, I love to spend time with with my fur-kids (lots of cats, 4 dogs, 2 mini horses, 4 chickens, and a green iguana). Oh yeah, my hubby seems to take up alot of my time also. Lol. I live in Southern California, on five acres.