Is AMHA that much more expensive than AMHR?

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:aktion033: Thank you for writing this up. As time goes by both registries get better and better. I can't imagine not belonging to both. Every horse I own that can be dual-registered is. I can say that in my area, the AMHA club is great. There are two big member meetings per year, and I love our club shows, five of them per year. They also publish a bi-monthly magazine! A real one! Our local AMHR club is active in different ways. They hold monthly educational meetings for part of the year, and they sponsor one show per year. They maintain a great list of shows and mini-friendly events on their web site, and have a terrific classifieds section on the web site as well.

My impression of AMHA after going to the annual meeting is that the organization is doing everything they can to build value for the members while protecting their "brand" as much as possible. I have a very favorable impression of the direction of the registry. There are always things that can improve, and as a matter of fact I am drafting a letter to our president about some suggestions I have regarding future meetings, but that should in no way mean I am being critical. I always say do not bring up problems, bring up solutions! And I truly believe that all possible solutions that are brought forth to the leadership will be considered. I also volunteered to be on a few committees where I feel I may have something to add.

I have not been to an annual meeting for AMHR yet, but I would expect to walk away with a similar feeling. I wish I had enough time to be actively involved in both registries. I am so passionate about miniature horses and love to be involved in the details of everything related to them.

Overall, I feel that both registries offer a great deal of value for the dollars spent. My herd is split right down the middle of horses registered AMHR only and AMHA/AMHR dual. In the next three years I hope to be able to add a couple of my R only horses (hardship) to the dual category and WILL DO IT, even if it ends up costing me the full freight of $1200 for my stallion and $600 for my mare, if they qualify.
Belinda, you can only process paperwork with AMHR if you have a current membership, so in the scenario, the buyer needed a current AMHR membership in order to register the horse in its two-year old year, and then needed another membership a year later when the horse was three and they took it permanent. With the AMHA example, the buyer could pay the higher non-member fee and avoid having to get an AMHA membership, either to register the horse or to take it permanent.

I didn't include the DNA fees partly because I couldn't find the price on the AMHR website, and couldn't compare them, and also because the only reason you need DNA for an AMHA horse is if you plan to register foals from the horse. So, I figured that the cost of DNA was something that would be off-set by selling foals and part of the cost of 'doing business'.

I am not trying to say that AMHA is better than AMHR, but so often I hear about how much more expensive AMHA is compared to AMHR and how AMHA is only looking out of the 'big' guys, that I just thought I'd try to get some of it in perspective.

I double register all of my horses that are eligible, and have hardshipped some non-AMHA horses into AMHR, back when the registry was open, so I am certainly not opposed to AMHR.

No registry is perfect, there are things I'd like to change about both of them, and things that I am very proud of with both of them.
AMHR doesnt have DNA and I dont really think you can discount that as I know several people that DNA before they sell the horse.
Ashley, AMHR has a DNA request form on their webpage. I just went and looked it up again, and saw that there was also a price on it. AMHR DNA request - $31, and the AMHA DNA request is $41.

I am not sure when/why an AMHR horse has its DNA recorded, but it is now available.

AMHR DNA Request Form
aspc started some new rules on ponies requiring dna now. Also their new registry for an AMHR horse bred to an ASPC has to be DNA'd. (show pony) I think its just a matter of time before they include miniatures. Probably just getting the picture thing in place first.
Belinda, you can only process paperwork with AMHR if you have a current membership, so in the scenario, the buyer needed a current AMHR membership in order to register the horse in its two-year old year, and then needed another membership a year later when the horse was three and they took it permanent. With the AMHA example, the buyer could pay the higher non-member fee and avoid having to get an AMHA membership, either to register the horse or to take it permanent.
If my buyers don't have a memebership and want to transfer, I do it under my number. So, no, you don't need to be a member to transfer IF your seller will help you.

I didn't include the DNA fees partly because I couldn't find the price on the AMHR website, and couldn't compare them, and also because the only reason you need DNA for an AMHA horse is if you plan to register foals from the horse. So, I figured that the cost of DNA was something that would be off-set by selling foals and part of the cost of 'doing business'.
AMHR isn't required to DNA at this time.


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