Well-Known Member
Like most people, my husband and I have special ringtones for each other. That way we know when we are the ones calling. We both ended up buying new cell phones last July, and retired our ringtones with the old phones. I packed them up and really forgot all about them (including where I put them).
In either December or January, I was awoken at 5:40am to the sound of music playing. I freaked out and woke my husband up (we're the only ones in our house). Then I recognized the song as his old phone's ringtone for when I called him. I jumped out of bed and followed the sound until it stopped. Even though I didn't hear precisely where it was coming from, I knew that if I looked in a cabinet, I'd find his phone there. Sure enough, there it was. I instantly looked to see who called (I knew it wasn't me although technically it could have only come from my phone). The phone was turned off! I had to power it up, and then it refused to go to the screen because there was no sims card in it. How in the world could a phone with no sims card, and that had been turned off for more than 5 months receive a phone call from "me". If I would have called him, the call would have went to his new phone since he's never changed his number.
My husband joked around asking if I was still alive because I was apparently trying to contact him from the other side. I figured that maybe a car drove by and just happened to be playing that song, even though we live down a dirt road (can hear cars really well) and in a secluded area (people don't usually blare music). I grasped at any and all possibilities including maybe catching a glimpse into another dimension or realm. Lol. But as the months have gone by, I had pretty much forgotten about what happened.
Until this morning. 5am I hear music again. I woke my husband up thinking he forgot to turn off his game system last night. We're sitting there listening when we notice it's the same darn ringtone. I jumped out of bed and made it to the cabinet just as the music inside stopped. I handed my husband the phone and he had to turn the power on, and again, it wouldn't work past that because it didn't have a sims card in it.
We put the phone in my husband's nightstand, so that if it happens again, we can grab it quickly and see if it lights up or see who/what is calling.
Does anyone have any idea how a phone that is basically unplugged can be receiving calls from "me" when I'm not calling it? Do you think it's a malfunction or glitch, or that somehow our carrier is doing updates on a dead phone? I've tried to do some research and I've only come across two other cases that sound anything like this one. I went looking for my old phone and found it in my nightstand. It has never received any "ghost calls".
In either December or January, I was awoken at 5:40am to the sound of music playing. I freaked out and woke my husband up (we're the only ones in our house). Then I recognized the song as his old phone's ringtone for when I called him. I jumped out of bed and followed the sound until it stopped. Even though I didn't hear precisely where it was coming from, I knew that if I looked in a cabinet, I'd find his phone there. Sure enough, there it was. I instantly looked to see who called (I knew it wasn't me although technically it could have only come from my phone). The phone was turned off! I had to power it up, and then it refused to go to the screen because there was no sims card in it. How in the world could a phone with no sims card, and that had been turned off for more than 5 months receive a phone call from "me". If I would have called him, the call would have went to his new phone since he's never changed his number.
My husband joked around asking if I was still alive because I was apparently trying to contact him from the other side. I figured that maybe a car drove by and just happened to be playing that song, even though we live down a dirt road (can hear cars really well) and in a secluded area (people don't usually blare music). I grasped at any and all possibilities including maybe catching a glimpse into another dimension or realm. Lol. But as the months have gone by, I had pretty much forgotten about what happened.
Until this morning. 5am I hear music again. I woke my husband up thinking he forgot to turn off his game system last night. We're sitting there listening when we notice it's the same darn ringtone. I jumped out of bed and made it to the cabinet just as the music inside stopped. I handed my husband the phone and he had to turn the power on, and again, it wouldn't work past that because it didn't have a sims card in it.

Does anyone have any idea how a phone that is basically unplugged can be receiving calls from "me" when I'm not calling it? Do you think it's a malfunction or glitch, or that somehow our carrier is doing updates on a dead phone? I've tried to do some research and I've only come across two other cases that sound anything like this one. I went looking for my old phone and found it in my nightstand. It has never received any "ghost calls".