I have been working on it since LAST February (13 months) and am down 60 pounds so far. My big problem is bread/pasta/anything starchy, so I have pretty much cut that stuff out unless it's whole grain and then still only one or two small servings a day (I'm LOVING steel cut oatmeal for breakfast!). I try to eat things as close to nature as I can, so hardly any prepared foods (gotta have a bit of chocolate once in a while!)...just mostly fruits, veggies, lean meats, eggs, yogurt, etc. I am not crazy about salads, especially in the winter, so I make a big pot of soup filled with vegetables to get me through, so I can feel like I can eat a lot and be satisfied.
I also recognize that I am pretty much not crazy about exercising. I had an epiphany last summer on vacation when we rented bikes and it didn't seem like exercise at all, so we bought a couple of good bikes and we try to get out whenever the weather is favorable. This weekend we did 13 miles each day on a nice trail in our area. I also bought a Wii fit and try to do 30 minutes at least a few times a week.
I have never been a normal weight my whole adult life, and frankly, don't expect to at this point (48), but I sure can get healthier and hopefully smaller. As long as I'm heading the right direction, I guess that's good.
I wish you the very best of luck in starting down this path and hope we don't stray off too badly!