Is anyone going to the World Show?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2004
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I am going to watch (whoopie!), and I was wondering if anyone here is going? I only saw posts made about AMHR nationals, but nothing about AMHA. I would love to see some of y'all!
CMHR will have a booth right outside the Justin Arena in the hall. We'll be near the consession

stands :lol:
: There will be 3 of us at the booth and we'd love to meet you.

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CMHR will have a booth right outside the Justin Arena in the hall. We'll be near the consession

stands :lol:
: There will be 3 of us at the booth and we'd love to meet you.

I'll be there.

I'll stop by the booth and say hi or you can step across the isle to the windows and look down at the measuring area and wave hi.

I leave Tuesday am for a short vacation in NE Ok and Branson Mo before I drive down to Ft Worth for Worlds.

Well, that is if I can solve this foal colic problem first.
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I will definitately be going, one way or another. I have a filly being shown. She has already won AMHA Reserve Grand Champion Jr. Mare at the Central Regionals and is leading the Nation in Jr. Mares Honor Roll Standings. She also won Res. Champion Jr. Mare, Under at AMHR Nationals. So you can understand why come heck or high water I will be there! I really wanted to go to AMHR Nationals, but between work and not having anyone to take care of my horses I wasn't able to go. I haven't seen be able to see Angel show once! I am such a bad mother! :no: Thanks to Monette, from Wisteria Ranch, if I can't find anyone to take of my horses she has someone that will come as a backup, so that I can go to World. I also have a mare in the World sale. The plan is to leave Tuesday and stay until Friday or Saturday. I have never stayed that long before. Usuallly we go for the World Sale and head back home the next day. We always have a good time though. Looking forward to getting away and doing some socializing.
: :bgrin

Edited for spelling.
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My daughter, Brooke (a.k.a. Brooke the horse clipper -LOL :bgrin ) and I will be there for the entire show. Our mare, Showcase Crystal Heart, will be showing with Brooke in Amateur Sr Mares Level 1 and Emily Conder/Nirvana Training Center in open Sr Mares 32-34". Brooke will be busy clipping, probably in Monceif primarily, from dawn until the middle of the night and I've been drafted by a number of people for jobs here and there. I've always met at least 1 new Forum member at each World show I've attended and hope to do the same this year!

Robin C
Redrock will be there! I have 6 horses showing; one of ours and 5 client horses. :aktion033: We should be stalled in the Richardson Bass bldg. Look for the Redrock stalls and be sure to stop and say hi!
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We'll be in the same area as Becky so please stop in and say hi. Every year I think I'm going to see/meet so many people, but I hardly get away from our stalls.... clipping & bathing & clipping & bathing and.......... So if you're in our area stop in for a minute.

And the SmallestHorse Group will have a booth in the same area as CMHR so take a look there too! SHG is sponsoring the ...28" to 30" Sr Mare class this year...I think...I forget from year to year which one we are doing

Not going but is anyone going from Michigan with room in their trailer? I have a person interested in a bred mare. Thanks :bgrin
Im so EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The WORLDS will be here before we know it... I have been running around shopping and getting everything ready! In 4 days im going up to Ocala to visit friends and ride out from there to TX! So will be in Ft Worth NEXT WEDNESDAY!

I only have 1 horse going to be there "Alliance Dustys Feeling Fine"! Shes my little baby! I will show her in Ammy, and she will be presented in Open by Nirvana Training Center...

Yep we will be there and I think we are taking either 11 or 12 horses. 7 Grandkids in youth classes , My son and his wife are showing in Am. level 1,Cindy Am. Level 2 and of course Jose in the Open classes. A full 1 1/2 weeks to say the least.

All you youth try and come to the clacutta and get on a tem. Last year Megan one of the grandchildren was on the winning team and got a really cool Jacket. The rest of the kids got different stuff for participation and it was a lot of fun to boot. :bgrin

Come by and see us everyone, i will even buy the coffe and cokes LOL. :aktion033:

All you youth try and come to the clacutta and get on a tem. Last year Megan one of the grandchildren was on the winning team and got a really cool Jacket. The rest of the kids got different stuff for participation and it was a lot of fun to boot. :bgrin
Tell Megan and her last years team I said thanks for all of her good work. I had $150 on the winning team and it paid off very well. I will have to check and see what team she is on this year.

I passed up the Amy party last year to watch the Youth Awards Sunday night. I love what the AMHA and it's members do to support the AMHyA youth.
I'm going too. Taking one horse, Semi.

I'm showing Semi in Ammy and somebody that

knows what they are doing, is taking her in open LOL

I can't wait!! Actually, I plan to eat lots of

junk food and look at lots of incredible ponies!!!

I will be down for a few days visiting and watching.....

Not brining any horses to show, only went to one AMHA show and qualified all of them, but do much all at once (AMHR nationals) that I can't seem to talk my grad professors that I need another week off the same month
Nope, we aren't coming.
We only qualified two horses in one class each. Not enough to justify the 1200 mile trip and all that vacation time. Went to Tulsa instead.

Y'all have a great time, I will be checking online when I can. :saludando:
Paul and I will be there. We have one horse with the Reece Family Miniatures in Sr mares 28 and under and a mare with Ashley Harris. Paul and I will be in AM level 2 together. He will drive the mare with Ashley and I will take pictures. We will be there all week since Loretta is doing something different with Ashley every day.

Hope to meet lots of you.
We are going, only for a couple of days this year. I have a yearling colt - Wild Oaks Jumpstart My Heart - 28" & U showing Futurity on Wednesday and open on Thursday. Also showing my gelding in Golden Age Showmanship on Thursday! (has to be some benefit to getting old lol) Hope I can stay to watch another day or so, but having just been gone a week to AMHR Nationalsl I don't know how long I can be away again so soon.

I am sure she will be there again this year, the kids really enjoy the show and the calcutta. Last year we had one of the grandchildren that insisted on showing a particular horse they loved, but was not really top show quality that failed to qualify for nationals and was crushed. This year the same one is second in the nation for high point. It was a real learning experience for the kiddo and now that particular grandchild has one of the most decerning eyes around here LOl. I really enjoyed watching the judging contest also, it was interesting to listen to the kids critique the horses and compare notes after the contest, it was a real learning experience for my grandkids last year. I hope this year it is as good.

See everyone there, we are looking forward to seeing the best everyone has to offer. It is always a real treat to see all the great horses, no matter who ends up winning.

:saludando: Yea Youth :aktion033: :aktion033:
We are going for the first time - just to watch and learn. I am really excited and hope to see lots of the forum folks there. Good luck to all that are showing!!!!!!!!!!!

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