Bailey is now 20 months old, Willow 10 months old.
They have 24 hour access to the back field, grass is not long, but it is green.
They have free choice oaten hay and grass hay 24/7.
I also hard feed them once a day with a mixture of speedi-beet, pellets designed for growing horses, and chopped hay (chaff). They also get a vitamin and mineral supplement added to their feed. I'm almost at the point where I need to buy some more hard feed but I was wondering if it is necessary, considering they get grass and free choice hay.
I'm only asking this question as they are both still young and don't want them to miss out on any nutrients. i would still give them their vitamin and mineral mix though.
Would you continue hard feeding them or can they do OK on hay and grass??

They have 24 hour access to the back field, grass is not long, but it is green.
They have free choice oaten hay and grass hay 24/7.
I also hard feed them once a day with a mixture of speedi-beet, pellets designed for growing horses, and chopped hay (chaff). They also get a vitamin and mineral supplement added to their feed. I'm almost at the point where I need to buy some more hard feed but I was wondering if it is necessary, considering they get grass and free choice hay.
I'm only asking this question as they are both still young and don't want them to miss out on any nutrients. i would still give them their vitamin and mineral mix though.
Would you continue hard feeding them or can they do OK on hay and grass??