Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, We took her in June 15, 2016 she was not in great shape. Malnurished, deformed hooves on all 4, Back was the worst she was walking almost completely on the side of her ankle. She cleaned up really well my farrier did any amazing job, you can barely tell. We don't know if the deformity stems from poor nutrition in the Dam during pregnancy on something congenital but I do feel she has a bit of an iguana eye look. Anyway she'd obviously be really far along because like I said we picked her up on the above date. Someone came forward about a month ago with a pic of her on the day she was born so we now know she turned 2 on February 12, 2017. Thank you for any opinions!
The first belly photo was taken a couple days ago and the one on the bottom was taken yesterday, they're so different!

The first belly photo was taken a couple days ago and the one on the bottom was taken yesterday, they're so different!