I've used PayPal for years with no difficulties, and have sold and purchased horses many times with it.
I do however, take precautions. Any money coming into my on-line PayPal account is immediately transfered to a "separate" bank account I set up for PayPal to access at my bank. Once there, I immediately transfer it to my private account, so there is never any balance (less than $1.00 when not in use) in my on-line PayPal account or the "bank" PayPal account for returns to be made. Since I do not keep funds in any account PayPal can access, if a "return" were tried it would fail.
That said, I will continue to use PayPal and have never had any problems with it, and use it frequently for all kinds of payments.
As a "verified" user, my transfers out are immediate, and money in is transferred out of the account within minutes of a payment being made. So, I've been happy.
Nathan, is this something new on all sales? I've never experienced my money being "held" for any type of "proof" ??