is she a dwarf?

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mini horse mania

Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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I purchased a 37 inch Amhr reg mare who accidetly went over on A papers. Her sire and dam were both around 32 inches....she was bred to a 31 inch tall stallion and I got the filly with her....the filly is 3 months old and tiny....I mean like newborn size...she has a good bite...perfect legs...and looks pretty well proportioned....I was told by a breeder who came out today she was in fact a dwarf. Her head does look large for her body and her neck is kinda short me she just looks pretty normal...I have no way of posting a Pic as I Am on my phone....but it is dakairi twist on my mares and fillies page....could she just be extra small??? A throwback?
I have no idea about the dwarf issue but wanted to say that she has to be just the cutest little button I ever did see. She looks like a little soft toy.

I'm in love.
I was able to pull your picture of her from your website and am putting it here to help people see (I hope that is okay).

Honestly, she is one of the cutest things I have ever seen! But I am seeing the reason for concern that she may be a dwarf based on this picture (very thickly and stoutly built) and her lack of growth is a red flag as well. I cannot say for sure either way from the picture, though.

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She certainly is adorable, but it is impossable to tell from one front on shot. Maybe you could take one from the side. Sometimes they don't get a bad bite until they get a little older, if at all.
Not sure either. I am thinking that if you give her a few more months and then are able to body clip her or if she sheds out, you will be able to see a lot more. She is really cute, but the photo doesn't tell much.
Cute cute cute, but a very poor angle to do any critique on that shot. A few shots from the sides from down on her level would be a much more accurate depiction of her.
She is very very fuzzy- and between the thick hair and her mane standing up, it will also make her neck appear shorter. I am unable to tell at this stage also. Some dwarfs are slow to show much in the way of signs- I think you will know more this spring when she gets rid of her heavy coat. She may not be so 'hefty' under all the hair. I would not want to make a decision either way til spring time. She is awfully cute though!
I would say no based on the pictures provided, but I agree with everyone else that it is too hard to tell based on fuzzy baby pictures. She is definitely adorable
I just want to pick her up and squeeze her!!!!!!! she is adorable!!!!!!
cute cute cute !!!! I agree its hard to tell from the pics , I can see why the breeder had her suspicions but I dont think you will know until shes older , at this stage if I had to say one way or the other Id say
Thanks everyone....she is knee high and her cannon bones are 4.5 inches...dwarf didn't pop into my head at all...until it was brought up. ..maybe she will just be small..she is very refined under all That fur .She is all fuzz right now..weighs About 35 pounds. Either way...she will be a pet if She doesn't at least top 30 inches....
Really hard to tell; if she is a dwarf, she, at least, doesn't look to have major orthopaedic/joint that's good
If she looks a lot different from both/either parents (if either one isn't an obvious dwarf), then I probably wouldn't repeat the breeding/not use either one for breeding again (but that's just me). She does look to have a really short neck, but she's cute as anything. If you're going to get a dwarf from a breeding, I think you have the best kind...happy, healthy, and cute as anything
Thanks Matt....she acts normal...legs look normal..and she is full of energy.I have her full sister from last year...I bought them all together...she is 1.5 years old and 28 inches tall...its amazing how a mare who is 37 inches tall can produce such small offspring....the dam was "supposed " to be about 33 inches based on her parents...but grew to 37....I do not own the stallion she was bred to. She is bred to my stallion whom to my knowledge has not produced a dwarf....we will see if the trend of small foals continues!!
Wow shes adorable! I agree that you should wait till she is body clipped or has shed her winter coat and then will be able to get a better idea. How in the world did she nurse off her Dam when she was first born? I have a mare who is just a little under 34" and I thought she had small foals!!! She is in my avatar with her foal who is 25" as a 3 year old stallion. He was constantly choking while nursing!!! I cant even imagine your little one would have been able to even reach the teats!!!!!
BTW I was pretty sure my little guy was going to be a dwarf because he was born about the size of a cat... But vets, farriers, and Equine Dentist all assure me that "no, he is just extremely tiny".
I agree.... she is too fuzzy to tell, but so adorable

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