Is Slick Sick??

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2005
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The Great North West
Well, this is what I have been finding. what do you think. No fever and he still eats like a clydesdale!




I mean yellow boggers!! Although he is a Begger!! :bgrin
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As long as he is eating and not acting sick just let it run it course. This is the time of year you see snotty noses and hacking coughs and usually it is viral and has to do it's own thing. Like a cold in people, nothing you can do until it's gone. If he starts acting sick then it time for more intervention.
I just called the vet and am going to pick up some SMZ's for him incase he gets worse over the weekend.

I will keep an eye on him for sure. SO far, yellow snot is his only symptom.
I don't like the looks of that one bit. I don't fool around with that stuff at all.

Have you taken his vitals?

I'd say yes he is sick.

I don't mind clean snot liquid. But when I see thick yellow snot that would worry me.

Eating is good and drinking is very important to keep him hydrated. Be sure you warm up the water for him. He really needs to stay drinking and that will help.

If possible, add some Gatorade to his water.

Has he gotten wet or been out in the wind?

I would get this horse into your barn/shelter immediately. Keep him dry and out of the wind and make sure he's not cold and not in any draft at all.

I would do the same for your other horse too. He's going to probably get it as well.

You don't want this to escalate into something horrible.

I would most definately be calling my vet for instructions before you have a real mess on your hands.

Good luck and do keep us posted.
Can you take his temp? That will really tell you something. I am no vet, but I agree that something is very wrong. The last horse I saw like that had strangles. Feel up and down on the bottom of his jaw and neck for any swellings or bumps. On the horses I saw, one of them had a hard lump the size of a marble right under his jaw, and the other looked like an orange had grown there! They both had raspy breathing and coughs. The marble eventually re-absorbed, the orange ruptured and drained for a long time and then healed up as well. They had that exact same discharge from the nose. I don't mean to be an alarmist but I really would get it checked. Best wishes! Linda
It looks like what I've been going through with my gelding Cody for a few weeks - no fever, acting fine, but has the snots and a slight cough. He was on antibiotics for 10 days - it went away for a couple days, but came back.

At this point it could be allergies - we're not quite sure.

Let me know what you find out!

Liz R. Bonnie. She would need and want to know. Slick is an older gentleman and he looks happy but change is always hard on some. SMZs will put him to rights and cause no harm. I have the 960 tabs and as per our DR Pam administer them 1 tablet for every 70/140 lbs. I'd say Slick can have 2? I put them in a 6cc syringe with some applesause. The pill dissolves and you can just squirt it in his mouth. You'll have to make an applesauce one for Rocky or he'll be jealous. I feel he'll be fine but a vet check may help if he doesn't improve with a few days of SMZs. I'd begin with it now rather than wait. Also some probios and or yogurt will help the tummy. The pills will also dissolve in yogurt if you prefer.

This is my opinion, I am not a vet, but God knows I've experienced this several times. Keep us updated, give him a big hug, and call or email this pic to Bonnie asap.
Just got back from the vet and am starting him on antibiotics tonight. I can't keep him locked up but he does have shelter and a waterproof blankie. Bonnie knows about this and said SMZ's were the thing to give.

He has no temp and is eating like a horse!! :bgrin
The waterproof blanket could be contributing to the problem, especially if you put it on him after he already grew a thick winter coat of his own. Not saying nothing for sure, but it could be.

Stick your hands up underneath that blanket and feel his body temperature.

See if he is feeling hot under there, or just warm, or clamy. Sometimes they can make them sweaty and that leads to sickness. If he feels fine under there, that should be ok then.

Be sure that the waterproff blanket isn't holding dampness.

With some, the snow can seep through slowly and you don't even know it. Many do. Some are made to repel some water at best but do not trust a lot of them. Others work very well.

Try putting a gate on that shed of yours.

Run in sheds are great, but not in times like these. They need gates or doors or something.

He really needs to be kept in the dry where his legs/feet and rest of his body will be dry on clean soft dry bedding. Got any shavings or straw?

SMZ is good stuff and your vet might suggest combing it with other antibiotics too so don't be alarmed about it. Don't miss any medication times and even if he seems to be improving, be sure you use it as directed till the end. These things can come right back so quickly.

Good luck.

Did your vet these photos? There could be lots of things going on with this guy that temps don't provide. Not all phenomina cases run temps and they still eat too, but will start losing weight.

I have found that giving them red cell when something like this shows up helps a whole bunch. In fact have seen the running noses (not so yellow tho) go away as a result of giving red cell. I feed it to any "off horse" these days and of course horses being fit to show.

It could be a cold, flu, alergies, respiratory infection and ??????????? I would let the vet see him as heart rate and listening their lungs can tell them a lot about your horse that we can miss. Yellow is not a good color, but of course green is worse!

I do not like SMZ's much for minis, they don't seem to work very well, and often a horse will be sick again in a few days after finishing a round of SMZ's.

Good luck with your little fella, I hope it is not serious. It is good to have a repoir with your vet and it sounds like you do or he would not have given the SMZ's without seeing the horse first.

The waterproof blanket could be contributing to the problem, especially if you put it on him after he already grew a thick winter coat of his own. Not saying nothing for sure, but it could be.

Stick your hands up underneath that blanket and feel his body temperature.

See if he is feeling hot under there, or just warm, or clamy. Sometimes they can make them sweaty and that leads to sickness. If he feels fine under there, that should be ok then.

Good luck.

I put it on him for the first time yesterday and I always check under it. I put it on him because he was so wet from snow and had yellow snot running out of his nose. The blanket dryed him right out and I took it off when it stopped snowing. I have the blanket in the dryer now to make sure it is not wet at all and it has started snowing again, so I will put it back on him.

I am a blankie savy person. Not to worry.
Shelley you're doing a great job. Be sure to use the SMZs for at least 10-14 days.
Is this your new guy? If so than I personally think it's "shipping fever" and you are going to need an antibiotic to clear up before it turns into pneumonia. Don't fool around with this. I had this very thing happen here when my girlfriend's horses showed up from Ohio. The little filly had this and it developed into pneumonia and my girlfriend had to have her filly on 7 days worth of shots. Because they were being kept here for a 3 week period my other horses came down with it, GRRRRRR. At least they didn't have to go through the needles and I felt so bad having to give those needles every night to that poor baby.
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Is this your new guy? If so than I personally think it's "shipping fever" and you are going to need an antibiotic to clear up before it turns into pneumonia.

He was "Shipped" by us a whole 45 minutes from Bonnie Fogg's house to ours. :bgrin

I am not letting it get worse. Thanks!!
For what it's worth, I let the snotty noses run their course as long as they don't have fevers and are eating well. I don't like using antibiotics unless ABSOLUTELY necessary. I do have the vet out to listen to lungs to be sure though.

Liz V.
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Shellie, Looks like just a cold and it should run it's course. Keep me updated on his condition. I'd give Bonnie a call and see what she can do with him. She can do wonders and she would do anything for Slick. Sorry I can't be of more help with him, but I am quite a distance now. You can use my work address anytime now.

Give Slick a bit hug and kiss for me.

Bonnie knows. Slickers has his blanket on and is playing "Fetch the carrotts" in the snow with Rocky. I threw a bunch of them out there for them. Slick may have a snotty nose, but it does not prevent him from sniffing for food!!

I love my ponies!!
Doesn't matter if he is shipped 45 minutes or 1 day. If they are stressed for any reason then their immunity goes down and they can catch any kind of viral infection. Anyway, we thought the same with the filly and were quite shocked after trying to treat it without antibiotics that it went to pneumonia and she didn't have a good time of it with the shots poor thing. Hope you get it cleared up before it gets worse. Oh and she was fine too for eating and playing and everything. Just had the snots like your guy and a cough.

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