Reignmaker Miniatures
Well-Known Member
Ozy, fascinating video and equally fascinating discussion afterwards. Thanks for sharing and giving us all some food for thought.

Hey, no problemOzy, fascinating video and equally fascinating discussion afterwards. Thanks for sharing and giving us all some food for thought.![]()
Thank you for your post. I am back at work after 3 weeks of holidays and was too tired last night to post.I'm normally simply a reader on this board, but this such an important topic, and there are some amazing minds that participate on here.
Yes, I try to be involved in some current events, mainly for selfish reasons, ie, if I think they might actually be the type that can influence my life. And this has the potential to do so much more than that.
I think radical extremists use religion as a means to provide them with followers. I think the real motivator for these folks is hatred and anger. Or maybe I'm wrong when it comes to Islam, as I simply don't understand the religion. I also don't understand why it would appeal to so many people, especially women. And yet, Muslims are increasing in numbers like crazy around where I live....many of whom don't seem to be of middle-eastern origin, but instead are younger people who have adopted the religion. Which begs the question.....and I want to assume that these are good, peaceful individuals .....but is it possible some of these individuals can be incited by an extremely charismatic leader to become our very own homegrown suicide bombers? And why would the Obama administration allow someone like Tyrique (sp?) Ramadan, heir to the Muslim Brotherhood and extremely charasmatic speaker/leader back into the US, when he had previously been banned from the US as well as 7 other countries for terrorist ties as well as a history of inciting violence with his talks? So now, he's free to run around the US talking to our many, many Muslim groups and we have no idea if his agenda is good or evil.
Atheism is not a religion! A = without Theos = god. That's it - plain and simple. There's no books, there's no philosophy, there's no ideology. There's no set of rules, no worshipping (nothing) Buddhists are atheists. Not believing in the tooth fairy isn't a religion. Not believing in Sasquatch isn't a religion. Not believing in the Lock Ness Monster isn't a religion. Not believing in any of the myriad of gods that humans have invented over the years is not a religionI was thinking that religion, to me anyway, basically is equal to ideology and so atheism is in fact a religion (ideology).
Wendy,Here's something interesting for those of us with mental images of Noah's Ark
Sonya,I don't think the film is actually released yet, just a trailer for the movie, which has been out since July. Has anyone seen it? I saw it on youtube and I really didn't get the big deal, unless I wasn't watching the right thing. It appeared to be an account from a marine who was stationed in the middle east...he basically went crazy (as what happens with many soldiers) and was rambling on about enjoying killing and disliking Muslims. They had his voice sounding almost like a demon to portray thay he was bonkers....and then it went to a clip of his Mom saying she had lost her son and in the middle of the night he would attack her, etc...
There are alot of distasteful nasty things on you tube, I didn't see this as any worse than other things I've seen...but again maybe I wasn't watching the right video.
I do not believe the video really sparked anything that was bound to happen in the first is no secret that radical Muslims (7% which equate to 91 million) do not like the western world, our culture and views. Many believe al qauda was behind it.
Whatever the reasoning, I do not believe it's over and things are for sure brewing in a few places.