This is an interesting topic. Here's why I have minis: Like most mini people, I've had horses on and off since I was a kid. Three years ago I was at a horse auction because a friend of mine wanted me to help him lead one of two APHA yearlings into the show ring to sell as a set. While looking at other horses for sale, I saw a pen with two weanling minis, and out of the blue I started bidding when they came up for auction. I got one of them, and a week later called the seller and asked if she had any more, and I bought his half-brother. That started my love affair with minis.
When I was married about four years we had a mare of ours bred. This was the first time I'd ever had a horse bred. She miscarried in her 9th month. It so totally devastated me that I swore I'd never try breeding again.
Then I got those two mini weanling colts and thought, "Why not?" I started studying everything I could, and I bought a nice young stallion and some mares and we began breeding. Then I thought, "Why not show them?" My first foal born here, who is a yearling, is being shown this year and she was just named Grand Champion Mare at the show in Colfax IA last weekend.
I guess I did get a lot of satisfaction out of that. I have two more foals born this year that will also be shown next year.
But it's the horses who are HERE that give us so much pleasure! We maintain 10 miniature horses because the grandkids love them, because we love them, because cars stop on the road and look at them romping in the pasture, because we like the SMELL of horses, because we love those knickers when we go to the barn in the morning to do chores, because we love the way all the horses come running up from their pastures at the end of the day when we ring the dinner bell, waiting to be let into their stalls for evening grain and being tucked in, because having foals is not only a miracle, but it's like Christmas in June.... never knowing what you're going to get once the package is opened, and then smiling delightedly when you see the little one for the first time, because grooming a horse gives you a sense of balance in your life, because cleaning stalls every day gives you exercise, because when you put a mini into the back of your minivan and drive into town and let him out and take a walk down the sidewalks, kids squeal with delight and parents smile, because making hay becomes a family affair, when the kids and grandkids come to help, because scratching the withers of a brood mare and watching her lip twitch in enjoyment is fulfilling, because having a foal crawl into your lap and go to sleep is just like having a baby again, because elderly people at the nursing home love to stroke the side of a mini's neck, because it's something my husband and I can do together, since he doesn't like to go riding. But mainly, I have minis because I know that some day when my two big horses cross the rainbow bridge, I'll probably be at the point where I won't want to replace them, but I'll still want horses in my life. I can't imagine my life without horses!
I haven't made any money yet, as I've only had my first foal last year, and I won't sell her, even if she wins grand champion at World, because she was our first and I can't part with her. I have two foals this year, and don't know if I'll be able to sell them, even though they are both very well bred and show quality.
I still keep my two big riding horses, even though I hardly ever ride any more. But, they're my friends, and you don't get rid of friends just because you can't go shopping with them as much as you used to.
I had my two original weanling colts gelded, and they are part of the family. They are pastured with the first stallion I bought. I have a second stallion now, and just can't wait to see what he'll produce.