is the only point in breeding to make money???

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Jun 16, 2006
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i was wondering what people think.....

is it wrong, to only want minis, for a bit of pleasure for yoursef??? or do you have to be either doing it for monetery gain...or to get " the next big thing in the showing ring??.

lately.. many people have asked me " why bother???? "while looking at me strangely.

"you can't ride them!!!!! "they say.....

my horesy freinds think i am excentric when i say its just for the fun...... it's hard to explain to them, the pleasure i have recieved from the horses, but to go back to my origional point.....its like riding the big horses........ does one always have to aim for the olympics?,,, or is a quite hack with friends ok??????

you know what i mean

lets hear what you think...

one more thing

i'd like to do a show or two, but i don't want to win, i just want to meet other mini owners and coo over thier horse too!!!!! is that ok?????
Everything you do with your horses should be firstly for THEM and YOU!

Of course, when breeding any type of horse, it should be done with a plan in mind. If you breed for show horses, then do so accordingly. If you breed for pasture pets, then do so acordingly. BUT always remember that the goal in breeding is to produce a foal that surpasses it's parents. I would certainly not breed a mare with a parrot mouth, crooked legs, and a short neck. No matter what type of stallion she was bred to, the foal would most likely not be "acceptable". Before I gelded my Tango, I bred him to one mare. She threw an adorable colt that looked just like dad. The colt was gelded and not long after Tango was gelded. The colt was awesome conformation wise, but daddy wasn't. I realize that now and don't regret gelding him. Tango is an AWESOME gelding and advicate for the Miniature Horse breed.

It is perfectly acceptable to show "just for fun". I do. Of course I, on some level, want to win or at least place in the ribbons (who doesn't?), but I am completely content with just gaining experience. I've shown Tango at two different shows and only placed at one. For the record it was last place (4 out of 4), but the best gift of all was that Tango did so much better then he had done his first time out. I had people congradulating me just for stepping into the ring. Tango and I walked the fairgrounds on a regular basis and every time people (old and young alike) would stop us just to visit and pet his pretty coat. They couldn't get enough of him. Recently I took Chip, my stallion, out to a local show as his first time out. He did surperb and didn't act up at all. We placed 3rd out of 4, but that was just fine with me. His attitude ranked in the blues!

Good luck to you and I hope you aim to just enjoy your horses, and not try to impress your peers.

There's nothing wrong with having minis or big horses just for pleasure. I show at small open shows because I like to but I'm not doing it to gain any money. I just do it for fun. I like the smaller shows better than the sanctioned shows and I can afford them. If you are not one who wants to show there is nothing wrong with that either. Barnbum on here will tell you that she tried the showing and doesn't want to do it so she has her horsee for pleasure and to share with others.

Almost everyone I know that has big horses ride just for pleasure and don't show.
you are both right!!! and i am not going to breed, as you say a parrot mouthed horse etc, that wouldn't be to thier benefit... i have got ( in my opinion) the very best start with lovely horses that i spent alot of time and effort looking for...... but alot of times i do feel like i'm being interogated as to what my intentions are as far as breeding is concerned....

and for the record, i just want a couple of lovely foals for the family to enjoy. after all if you look at the pleasure new foals give people on this forum....... who wouldn't want them??????
well lots of people who don't have minis really don't understand what the point is, if you aren't doing it for money. nearly everyday i get asked this question by one person or another. i just tell them that i enjoy the leisure time with my horses. they are fun because they are so little and cute, and less work than a big horse (especially in terms all stall cleaning LOL). they are a loving pet to have for anyone. and that is really all mine will ever be. just pets. cutest pets in town! when people ask me "but really why do you have a little horse like that you can't even ride" i say, "well, why do you have a dog, you can't ride them either." (i am not comparing dogs to horses, as they are completely different, but you know what i mean). some people have big horses they don't ride, too. i remind people of that.

so why do i love the little ones? why do i put in countless hours for something i can't ride? why do i slave over them daily just for something as a pet?

i do it because every time i get there, my girl neighs for me. and she calls every time i leave. that little noise she makes when she sees me just seems to make it all worth while. it gives what i am doing a reason to continue doing it. it gives a sense of love, a bonding between the two of us. it tells me that she appreciates what i do for her and that she loves me.

I think there is nothing wrong with breeding for the pleasure of having adorable pets. (Assuming of course that it is done in a responsible way.) I also think there is nothing wrong in breeding for profit. There are often some on here that come across that trying to make a profit is wrong. I am a firm believer in capitalism. Working to make a better product in order to make a profit. I can assure you that many of the farms who have produced the finest horses would not have done so without the opportunity to make a profit. I certainly am not saying that everyone will make a profit, but if you remove the opportunity for profit, you will certainly lower the quality over the long run.
There are many different goals for breeding, and it's not always about money nor showing, though if you're breeding "for fun" you need to be aware that the product of your breeding program will have less appeal perhaps, to the general public though I think well-mannered pets are always in demand to good homes.

SO, just tell them you enjoy what you're doing and life's too short not to have some fun. Leave it at that. As long as you're not hurting anyone or inflicting suffering on something, who can criticize?

Liz M.
I wholeheartedly agree with the other replies so far. And no one else but God should tell you how, why, what, or where regarding having horses in your life. Personally, I get the most joy out of my minis just by seeing them play and cavort around and especially when I am standing in the middle of them. It just brings tears to my eyes they are so joyful.

And if I of my pet peeves regarding big horse comments, and I have 9 big horses and love them dearly, is when I hear people say "you should sell some of them as they aren't being used or ridden." or I hear of someone saying " I sold them because they weren't being ridden". Now granted, most horses love to go on a good ride with good humans, but this idea that the horse is going to waste or is so unhappy because it is not being ridden is just beyond me. Do they think that horses just wait with baited breath and wondrous anticipation for a chance at being ridden??? How ridiculous! That is a human thought projected into a horse's mind because of what WE do with them. How many horse left in their natural habitat or wild do they think are waiting for us to strap on all kinds of contraptions and sit on their backs?? That is not the natural pastime for a horse. Please, no flames, as I am very well aware and have horses which LOVE to compete or trail ride, I am just saying that this is not a horse's normal, pre-domesticated favorite past time. Of course, if the horse is alone and not given any love or attention, that is an entirely different subject and story. I am only referring to those that have a good life but just aren't being ridden. I haven't been able to ride my horses (due to accident) in two years but believe me it hasn't bothered them any. They love playing wild horse wanna be and they still get all the love and interaction they need. Okay, I know I got off on another tangent my soapbox now
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What use are they??

What use is a dog??

Very few dogs justify their keep in any terms other than love.

Good job we love out Minis, too, as there sure isn't any money n them!!!

Not if you are honest, anyway.
Yes, I should have been more explicit...

How to make a HUGE amount of money in Minis??

Start with an even larger amount!!!
You mean........ PEOPLE MAKE MONEY AT MINIATURE HORSES???? :new_shocked: NO way!! :bgrin

Seriously. Anyone who thinks they are going to get filthy rich raising miniature horses is barking up the wrong tree. You do this for the love of the animals. If you are doing it for love of money, I think you get out of it pretty quick - because there is no money in it, unless you are in the top, and I mean the VERY top, of the breed. I have no idea how many people that is, but it is not very many. And even then it is a ton of hard work.

Most of us breed a few because we love the horses. Once the horses are born, we do our very best for them. If a buyer comes along that we think is top-notch and a good match for the horse, we usually take FAR less than the horse has cost us to get it into that terrific home. (If you sit down and work out how much the horse cost you - mare care, stud fee, vaccinations, worming, feed etc. and then the cost of raising a foal - there is just not a whole lot of profit to be had.)

I think the main reason the majority of people keep minis is because they love them. They may sell a few here and there, but if they are honest about it, they do it for the love of the horse.
I've had minis since 1999 and biggies since 1995. I've had some of my minis shown pretty extensively. I'm only just now planning to breed for my first foals next season (so 2008 babies). I could not even tell you how much time I have put into selecting the breeding stock. My primary goal is not to make money. I doubt at the end of te day, I will ever really make money in minis. One goal is to help to partially offset what I'm going to do anyway (have minis, enjoy minis, show minis) by selling some foals. Another goal is to produce some top notch minis for myself and others to enjoy. I know what it has meant to me to own some of the great quality horses I now have.
You mean........ PEOPLE MAKE MONEY AT MINIATURE HORSES???? :new_shocked: NO way!! :bgrin

Seriously. Anyone who thinks they are going to get filthy rich raising miniature horses is barking up the wrong tree. You do this for the love of the animals. If you are doing it for love of money, I think you get out of it pretty quick - because there is no money in it, unless you are in the top, and I mean the VERY top, of the breed. I have no idea how many people that is, but it is not very many. And even then it is a ton of hard work.

Most of us breed a few because we love the horses. Once the horses are born, we do our very best for them. If a buyer comes along that we think is top-notch and a good match for the horse, we usually take FAR less than the horse has cost us to get it into that terrific home. (If you sit down and work out how much the horse cost you - mare care, stud fee, vaccinations, worming, feed etc. and then the cost of raising a foal - there is just not a whole lot of profit to be had.)

I think the main reason the majority of people keep minis is because they love them. They may sell a few here and there, but if they are honest about it, they do it for the love of the horse.
I am going to agree AND disagree. YES, SOME PEOPLE DO MAKE MONEY OUT OF MINIATURE HORSES!!! :new_shocked: I think it is true that a lot of us (and probably most of us) don't make any profit out of the minis. Very, VERY few are getting filthy rich on it. BUT, those who are advertising weanling foals for $5,000 - $6,000 are NOT doing it JUST because they love having the horses around. I'm not saying they don't love having them around, that's just not the ONLY reason. I know one in particular who advertises foals from a certain stallion STARTING at $25,000. If they are doing it ONLY because they love the horses, drop that price about $22,000 -$23,000. I'll take EXCELLENT care of it.

By the way, I do raise Minis because I love having horses. I have not made any profit out of it yet, but I have nothing against those who do and hope to make SOME profit myself at some point.
well thanks for all your answers.....

you put it so well, outlawridge, when talking about your big horses, and my favourite passtime is sitting in the meadow just watching.... i could do it for hours ... infact my neighbour( who breeds standard shetlands) and i ,often sit and do just that!!!!! mad maybe, but we could be doing much worse.

anyway you have all made me feel better ,,,, thanks
This is an interesting topic. Here's why I have minis: Like most mini people, I've had horses on and off since I was a kid. Three years ago I was at a horse auction because a friend of mine wanted me to help him lead one of two APHA yearlings into the show ring to sell as a set. While looking at other horses for sale, I saw a pen with two weanling minis, and out of the blue I started bidding when they came up for auction. I got one of them, and a week later called the seller and asked if she had any more, and I bought his half-brother. That started my love affair with minis.

When I was married about four years we had a mare of ours bred. This was the first time I'd ever had a horse bred. She miscarried in her 9th month. It so totally devastated me that I swore I'd never try breeding again.

Then I got those two mini weanling colts and thought, "Why not?" I started studying everything I could, and I bought a nice young stallion and some mares and we began breeding. Then I thought, "Why not show them?" My first foal born here, who is a yearling, is being shown this year and she was just named Grand Champion Mare at the show in Colfax IA last weekend.

I guess I did get a lot of satisfaction out of that. I have two more foals born this year that will also be shown next year.

But it's the horses who are HERE that give us so much pleasure! We maintain 10 miniature horses because the grandkids love them, because we love them, because cars stop on the road and look at them romping in the pasture, because we like the SMELL of horses, because we love those knickers when we go to the barn in the morning to do chores, because we love the way all the horses come running up from their pastures at the end of the day when we ring the dinner bell, waiting to be let into their stalls for evening grain and being tucked in, because having foals is not only a miracle, but it's like Christmas in June.... never knowing what you're going to get once the package is opened, and then smiling delightedly when you see the little one for the first time, because grooming a horse gives you a sense of balance in your life, because cleaning stalls every day gives you exercise, because when you put a mini into the back of your minivan and drive into town and let him out and take a walk down the sidewalks, kids squeal with delight and parents smile, because making hay becomes a family affair, when the kids and grandkids come to help, because scratching the withers of a brood mare and watching her lip twitch in enjoyment is fulfilling, because having a foal crawl into your lap and go to sleep is just like having a baby again, because elderly people at the nursing home love to stroke the side of a mini's neck, because it's something my husband and I can do together, since he doesn't like to go riding. But mainly, I have minis because I know that some day when my two big horses cross the rainbow bridge, I'll probably be at the point where I won't want to replace them, but I'll still want horses in my life. I can't imagine my life without horses!

I haven't made any money yet, as I've only had my first foal last year, and I won't sell her, even if she wins grand champion at World, because she was our first and I can't part with her. I have two foals this year, and don't know if I'll be able to sell them, even though they are both very well bred and show quality.

I still keep my two big riding horses, even though I hardly ever ride any more. But, they're my friends, and you don't get rid of friends just because you can't go shopping with them as much as you used to.

I had my two original weanling colts gelded, and they are part of the family. They are pastured with the first stallion I bought. I have a second stallion now, and just can't wait to see what he'll produce.
My thoughts are I am hoping to breed a National Champion, does not matter if I have sold the horse to some one else or one I have kept.
[SIZE=14pt]I just bought a new sticker for my truck.... driver carries no cash.... it all went to the horse...[/SIZE]

you put it so well, outlawridge, when talking about your big horses, and my favourite passtime is sitting in the meadow just watching.... i could do it for hours ... infact my neighbour( who breeds standard shetlands) and i ,often sit and do just that!!!!! mad maybe, but we could be doing much worse.
Exactly! I LOVE just watching and be it the meadow or the barn, be they big or mini, it is so hard to leave and go back to the "real" world! We are sisters at heart regarding this
, and I'm Irish...but in Wyoming :lol:
I know people who just want to breed and have the babies around because they like the babies. Personally for me the point of breeding is not to "make money" but to try to get the best horse. I want the best looking, best performing etc. that I can get from the horses that I pick to breed. I show for that same reason to find out who's horse is the "best". If you can really go to the show "just for fun", you're probably ahead of the game because losing or winning doesn't "make" or ruin the day for you.
I havent read any other responses yet but had to answer this one

You bet money can be made with my breeding program

Just ask my vet, my farrier, my feed guy, my insurance company, and the tack stores I shop at oh cant forget the registry, local clubs for my show fees

Everyone is making money with my breeding program but not me

I have my horses simply cause I love them I wouldnt make all the sacrafices and go thru the heartache owning and breeding horses if the good didnt outweigh the bad!
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