Is this gonna be the norm around here?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2007
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As if I haven't had enough to worry about, I walk in this afternoon to see my Vayda babies nose about 5 times bigger then normal. Needless to say I about fell over. After I was able to calm myself down I called the vets office (the same one Melody is at) and they said to give her benedryl. So I did. She is acting normal but she sure does look goofy! I swear if one more thing happens around here
Anyways, I just thought you guys might get a laugh out of it

What Vayda's nose is supposed to look like!


What it looked like today

Well darn it Brandi...

Her poor nose looks pretty swelled!

Hopefully the Benedryl will help her, she does look like shes having a allergic reaction...
Awww, poor puppy!!

That happened to my dog last year around october, his nose puffed up I like a ballon, we thought it was going to cut off his sinasis(sp?) but he was ok in the long run!
Yeah at first I was freaking out because it was SO big.
The picture doesn't even show just how big it was! But then I called the vet, gave her the med and watched her. She was acting completely normal except for the occasional swipe of her paw over her nose. She was playing with Rudy and eating. The swelling has went down a lot since I gave her the med. Lord knows I don't need anyone else at the vets offce :DOH! They are going to think we are terrible pet owners! She had a small bump over her left eye which looked like a bee sting. I think she will be fine
Just add it to everything else lol


Do you think she got botox injections while I was gone today?

The swelling had went down a bit after I had given the medicine but now it is starting to swell again. Does anyone know how often I can give the benedryl? Thanks!

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OH MY GOSH!!! Poor Vayda!!! So glad she is OK now again, and I sure hope your luck changes SOON!
Oh, and sorry, but yes, I did have to sneak a giggle in!
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Aw, she's precious

We have two minpins of our own so I have a soft spot for them, very pretty girl. I love her one floppy ear
Thanks guys! Her face started swelling up again so we gave her a little more benedryl. I hope she looks better in the morning. She is still acting normal but the swelling worries me of course.
Bless her heart, we had the same thing happen to our lab when a scorpion stung her. Okay really she wasn't being very bright and tried to pick up the scorpion and got stung on her tongue :DOH! We hardly recognized her, Benadryl worked great on her. Good luck.
poor gal.

Our female dog nose did that when she got bit by a snake.So what her close.

Sorry to hear about all the bad events, we know how you feel.
Oh my gosh! How is your little girl feeling (and looking!) this morning!!!! I hope her nose is back to normal, but omg she is CUTE even with a big nose!!!
Thanks everyone! She is still swollen this morning but in a different way. It seems to have moved to underneath her chin. There is still some on the sides but not nearly as much. I think she is looking better but we are still watching her closely. She's acting normal so I think it's just a matter of the swelling going down
poor Brandi, as if you don't have enough to worry about. the same thing happened to our mini donkey foal, she was about 10 days old and her whole face swelled up. but with a couple doses of benedryl she was fine by the next day. no clue what got her though, we couldn't find anything...

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