Is this locking stifle or something else?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2002
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I have a 6 yr old mare that has always had a "pop" in her offside rear when she walks. Never has locked up before (at least not that we've seen).

Today when I went to turn everyone out, she walked out of her stall dragging that right rear leg. The foot was just dragging behind. She took 3 steps and then the leg started working again. Is that a locking stifle or am I looking at something else?

If it's locking stifle, do they develop it later in life like this? Would she be a surgery candidate?

The main reason I'm asking is that she was a high dollar mare. She has really good bloodlines and I bought her for my breeding program. We've tried for 3 years to get a foal from her without success. Now this.......does she stay or does she go?
That sounds identical to stifle lock in full sized horses......usually it is just the pop thing and rarely do they drag a leg like a mini. I would say it is a stifle.
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Well, at 6 yrs of age it could be a locked stifle. Maybe she was laying on that leg and got up and aggravated it to lock. Hard to say about the future, how about watching closely for a bit...I had a horse who did this for a short period of time but outgrew it. Being 6, I just don't know, sorry.
That is what it sounds like but hard to say without seeing it.

It is possible that this is the first time you have seen it and it is even more probable that this is not the first time she has locked.

Many times it happens pretty quick that they lock and unlock and unless you happen to be looking at that exact moment you wouldn't notice it. Now you know what to look for drag marks and you can see that way if the horse is locking more often
I have a 4 year old mini mare who has a locking stifle. Her's is a severe case. She knows how to pop it by herself, but occasionally it won't unpop for a couple of seconds and she'll stop dead in her tracks with the leg backwards. I feel bad for her. I'll never breed her either becuase of it. The vet said its hereditory and with hers being so severe there is a high risk she would just pass it along. I believe there is a surgery, but it only really masks the problem.
I had a gelding who did this as well. One back leg would lock, and in an instant, he was off and running. It didn't seem to bother him and I wouldn't have had the surgery done on him since he was not ridden or driven. We did have an Arab mare years ago that we did have the surgery done on as she was a riding horse.
I have a 4 yo. mare that I leased to a friend as a yearling. My friend kept the filly for 2 years in a very small coral.When the filly cam back to my place, I noticed her stifle locking up, and she would just drag her leg until I helped her pop it back in. The vet said that I needed to let the mare run in a pasture.After letting her in this pasture I slowly watched her get better,since then her stifles haven't even popped. She is now 4 and has no problem.

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