I used to have a few goats here but never had any kids its been something iv been thinking about lately theyr just so gorgeous
I love the tiny pygmys but Im very short of grazing so that will have to stay in the bag at least until I dig out a bit more grazing from that wild forest of trees lol
..I had a couple of lambs last year just to bottle feed and then give back.. I do like playing foster mum and have done that for a good few years but with my mare expecting her foal I found it a lilttle too demanding due to the lack of sleep watching her constanly on the cam for the last few months
..Im goning to give this year a miss and maybe take a hoiday in the sun somewhere instead..I did keep one as a pet years ago and I used to take it for a walk with the dogs to the beach..she quite happily tagged along and would even jump in the car on her on her own..I used to get some strange looks with the dogs and a sheep in the car..someone said to me is that a Bedlington terrier?? Haha never seen a dog with cloven hooves