It's official! I'm a grandmother! Really! Our baby is here!

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What a blessing that baby is to your lives! A beautiful baby who is greatly loved!
She is beautiful, Marty! Congrats and God bless you!
I don't have an update because I haven't been able to see her long enough! grrrr Its not from lack of trying!

So we go over there and wait for them to come home from the hospital: Need to be there upon the arrival to welcome them all home as a family. While we waited, we took down their Christmas lights for them. After waiting 3 hours after that, and neither party had a cell phone, we left because obviously they were held up. They had to wait on the birth certificates that weren't quite ready.

Next day we're there bright and early only to catch them pulling out of the driveway heading to the doctor's appointment.I only got a glimpse! Guess we should have called first.

Next day, baby and mother were sleeping. Do not disturb.

Sunday is the day come heck or high water! And this time they know I'm coming!
So happy for all of you Marty.

My first two grandsons are coming soon and I am so excited.

Baby is doing wonderful and has a great little personality and is cute as can be. Always smiling and WIDE awake during the day a lot. At night, she is UP UP UP every hour on the hour needing to either bed fed or changed or burped. Dan's the official burper and has quickly learned the importance of a good burp vs baby puke all down his shirt. Neither parent has had any sleep whatsoever and frankly they look like heck. I wasn't about to inform them that I went through this with Dan for the better part of a full year and that if history is going to repeat itself, they won't sleep for the next 21 years.

Congratulations! ! She is adorable.....I am sure grandma will have her spoiled rotton in no
That is so awesome Marty! Wow, good sized baby! I am sure you will have many hours of fun with her and yep, I bet you weren't kiddng when you said she will know her diagonals before she walks, LOL Leave that up to Grandma!!
I would appreciate good thoughts for my grandaughter who is only ten days old. Dan has been keeping this bad news from me because he knew how I'd react. Dan finally had to tell us today that our baby is at risk. She has very bad jaundice, severely, and her bilirubins have been off the charts. This can cause her brain damage and a number of horrible things if it doesn't come down fast and so far its not coming down. They have been taking her back and forth to a specialist in Georgia every single day since she was three days old and undergoing all sorts of treatments. They are exhausted mentally and physically but are following every instruction to the letter.
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Emma had this as a baby as well. I got lucky with Mya and didnt have it at all.

Was she early? Being early can be part of the cause. Do they have a light machine at home for her? If not have them ask the hospital about it. We had a machine here for over a week that we had to keep around Emmas belly 24/7. Total she was under the lights for 2 weeks as she was under them the whole time in the hosptial as well.

Also is she breast feeding or formula? Sometimes giving formula will help with this as well. With Emma she got both breast milk and formula. If she goes this route have her pump to keep her supply up until she can take her back off formula.

Lastly, She will be in my prayers!
Marty, you have every bit of my prayers and good thoughts your way!!

Blake's numbers were off the chart as well. Ashley has great thoughts. Blake had a light at home, took him off breast milk, and numbers did finally come down!! I am somewhat surprised they haven't just kept her in the hospital for 3-4 days and get it under control. Keep us up to date please.

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